Keep re-rolling new characters 3 hours in and its ruining th

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:30 pm

Why the hell would you restart after three hours? You've barely had time to make any sort of lasting decision in that time other than cosmetic features for your character. Seriously wtf? With the new leveling system you can practically play one playstyle and switch half way through the game if you soo choose.
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Tiff Clark
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:15 am

Have you considered rolling one warrior, one mage, one thief/assassin and just alternating between the three characters as much as you want?

I did, now i have 4 warriors, 5 mages, 2 theives and the rest are in between :'( Im like a child with a new toy and sooner or later ill throw the skyrim toy away because of this restarting constraint.
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Amy Siebenhaar
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:30 pm

Same deal, though my case seems somewhat milder--I've only restarted 5 times. :confused: This time, I put a little thought in how I wanted to approach the game, created a char to match that, wrote her a nice little back-story and have placed a large, neon pink Post-It note on the edge of the TV screen that says, "NO!!!!" Just a little reminder that I'm not "allowed" to re-roll another char until much later. For varying degrees of "much later", I'm sadly sure. :banghead:
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stevie trent
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:36 am

Why the hell would you restart after three hours? You've barely had time to make any sort of lasting decision in that time other than cosmetic features for your character. Seriously wtf? With the new leveling system you can practically play one playstyle and switch half way through the game if you soo choose.

If you don't have some form of this metaphorical condition you won't understand like the other handful :) BASICALLY:

I will see a Wood Elf when i am a Nord and think "I want to be a high elf" ... I will then create a Wood elf, i will travel to somewhere and see that there is a group of wizards and think "i can't lore wise, logically wise etc be a fully magical Wood Elf" ... I will then create a Breton and use only magic, then i will see some strong tough Redguards and want to become one of those, but instead of starting again i will say "Hey i can be a mage who also uses a sword and also a bow and also and also" So i try that and the voice still isn't happy with me" So i make another 3 characters, its a vicious circle and there are no gaps i can squeeze through or break down in the circle so i am stuck travelling around the never ending circle; stopping of to make new characters, i envy you squares. ITS ALL ENTIRELY METAPHORIC AND ENTIRELY IN MY MIND, IT ALMOST HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE GAME REALLY :banghead: :sadvaultboy: :cryvaultboy: (Don't take my caps lock as being angry im just simply making it stand out)
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Charlotte Lloyd-Jones
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:17 pm

I've had similar issues. Finally settled on the idea of an Arcane Archer. Unfortunately, my perks are so spread out I'm sure if its going to be viable (currently have every +percent damage bows armor/jewelry piece I can find and I can still just barely kill bandits).
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Katharine Newton
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:54 pm

My problem is deciding on a race.

I like magic+archery+stealth+melee. I like doing a bit of each, but probably more magic/stealth.

I really like Wood Elves/Bosmer. Make him like a robin hood style character, and protector of nature (since I LOVE nature). I don't see why I cant use magic either, but I try to fit my character into the lore of a game...and it doesn't seem Bosmer use magic (at least destruction). Not from the lore I've read anyway.

But I really like Dark Elves/Dunmer as well, which fit an all-rounder character. The lore is good. Makes sense I can use magic.

Both Bosmer and Dunmer are my favorite in terms of lore. I only want one character to start with, so I kinda have to decide...later on, I'll make a female character that is the sister of the first character.

Hmm, Bosmer or Dunmer...
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Michelle davies
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:04 pm

It seems we are all coming together as a community and relating. :celebration:
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:50 pm

You want the perfect character when you start? LOL Your magic, weapons, skills all svck in the beginning, you haven't even tapped your characters potential. You get the chance to build them up later in the game. You aren't badass right out of the gate; no one is.

I was frustrated with my weapons, but the only way I'm gonna get em to what I want is if I learn enchanting, smithing, etc. So I started beefing those up and I'm slowly getting better weapons suited for my race.

It is not at all about being the perfect "badass". The OP is not starting again because of realising that they could have been more powerful 5 minutes ago by doing x differently 10 minutes ago.

It is about thinking:

hmm,... perhaps I resonate more with a slightly altered story, or
hmm,... perhaps I would be interested more with a slightly different class, or
hmm,...wouldn't it be fun to blend X and Y ideas together, or
hmm,...wouldn't it be truly magnificent to not rely on X and be a pure classic Y, or
hmm....what about being a different race: suddenly a Wanderer becomes a Pilgrim, a Bard becomes a Thief, an Archer become a Hunter, or character's ethics have changed: suddenly a Battlemage could become a Reaver, a Raider could become a Legionnaire, an Assassin could become a Murderer, a Saviour could become a Scourge

How are we meant to not think the heretical during 100 hours of playtime on a character?...Aarggh!!!!!!!

At no point is the mentality thinking: "oh, duuudee, I could have smacked that clown primo had I stacked jewellry and powergamed alchemy" :)
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bonita mathews
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:42 am

It is not at all about being the perfect "badass". The OP is not starting again because of realising that they could have been more powerful 5 minutes ago by doing x differently 10 minutes ago.

It is about thinking:

hmm,... perhaps I resonate more with a slightly altered story, or
hmm,... perhaps I would be interested more with a slightly different class, or
hmm,...wouldn't it be fun to blend X and Y ideas together, or
hmm,...wouldn't it be truly magnificent to not rely on X and be a pure classic Y, or
hmm....what about being a different race: suddenly a Wanderer becomes a Pilgrim, a Bard becomes a Thief, an Archer become a Hunter, or character's ethics have changed: suddenly a Battlemage could become a Reaver, a Raider could become a Legionnaire, an Assassin could become a Murderer, a Saviour could become a Scourge

How are we meant to not think the heretical during 100 hours of playtime on a character?...Aarggh!!!!!!!

At no point is the mentality thinking: "oh, duuudee, I could have smacked that clown primo had I stacked jewellry and powergamed alchemy" :)

Using this on the first page, hope you don't mind? You seem to have listed the symptoms of Restartitis
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Amanda savory
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:13 am

op, that sounds crazy =p

you need to stop focusing on what character you could make, and start focusing on what the skyrim world has to offer,.. which is alot of to do and explore

and if your only a short distance into the game each time u restart, then theres no need to even restart as you wouldnt of done all to your character so early into the game anyway,
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Emilie Joseph
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:29 pm

op, that sounds crazy =p

you need to stop focusing on what character you could make, and start focusing on what the skyrim world has to offer,.. which is alot of to do and explore

But woudn't it be more interesting if i did X differently and combined X with Y? ARGH! :flamethrower:
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Jade MacSpade
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:53 pm

I, too, have this problem. Not as bad as some, but its the same thing. I get 5-10 hours into a character (usually up to Whiterun), & get this little itch in the back of my mind that doesn't really pass.

I like to fit into my characters, I don't create in depth back stories but I still like to become them as I play. So its not the skills/perks issue that drives me to re-roll, as the new system is great for changing styles as you go. But its the race & appearance that gets me.

I find it easier to "fit into" a human character, for obvious reasons, so my main is an Imperial (from Cyrodiil, as Oblivion was my first real TES experience so I can imagine as an Imperial where I came from etc).

So I stick it out for a couple of days then I get this little itch again.. "Wouldn't it be cool to play as a beast race.." So I make an Orc, play up to Whiterun, get a little put off by not having the ideal appearance, or can't fit into the stereotypical state of mind of an Orc.. Back to the Imperial. Another day or so, I feel like being something else..

I still keep the Imperial as my main but I continue to get this urge to be a different race, purely for roleplaying purposes. Then there is the minor dilemma of playing a race with skills that wouldn't traditionally match lore.. Geez!

I had a Khajiit sneaky warrior that I was really happy with, but I made the terrible accident of saving over the only save file with my Imperial.

My Imperial is still my main, but at times I get put of by his appearance or something as minutely trivial. It could be triggered by something as lame as hair style, which is perfect reason why there should be some sort of barber system in place as with FO3.
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Luis Longoria
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:22 am

Restartitis strikes again.

I refuse to do it this time. It ruined Oblivion for me.

same. This is why I'm going to actively test and stuff before really be serious about the game.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:10 pm

same. This is why I'm going to actively test and stuff before really be serious about the game.

I could use that as my excuse? This is just the testing phrase, maybe the mind in my head is a theory physicist.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:19 pm

Obvious you are not alone because a voice is talking to you.

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Maya Maya
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:45 pm

i have kind of the same problem. i like to use one of the three main character types all the time. at the moment i'm rocking a nord warrior who only uses smithing, heavy armor, block and one-handed. it's taking role playing to the extreme i think, but that's the way i like it.

but in the last couple hours or so, i've had this urge to restart and play an assassin/thief character. namely a khajiit who only uses sneak, light armor, archery, one-handed (daggers), lockpicking and pickpocket.

i have no doubt if i create that character and get well into the game, at some point i'll restart as a breton mage.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:33 pm

and if your only a short distance into the game each time u restart, then theres no need to even restart as you wouldnt of done all to your character so early into the game anyway,

Restartitis is rarely anything to do with that, however.

In Mass Effect, for example - I'd get so far with my character, and then start over just because I thought I'd rather he had a slightly different shade of brown for his hair color, for example. I'd do almost exactly the same things up to that point where I'd started back - only this time I was the exact same character with slightly different hair. And then I'd get a bit farther and think "you know, I actually think I'd liked it better with the first option."

Only by then I'd deleted my original saves so that I wouldn't be tempted to hem and haw any more - so then I'd have to go back to the very beginning all over again. :twirl:

There's probably something to do with a minor form of OCD or something, if you were to really get into it.
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Ebony Lawson
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:25 pm

Restartitis is rarely anything to do with that, however.

In Mass Effect, for example - I'd get so far with my character, and then start over just because I thought I'd rather he had a slightly different shade of brown for his hair color, for example. I'd do almost exactly the same things up to that point where I'd started back - only this time I was the exact same character with slightly different hair. And then I'd get a bit farther and think "you know, I actually think I'd liked it better with the first option."

Only by then I'd deleted my original saves so that I wouldn't be tempted to hem and haw any more - so then I'd have to go back to the very beginning all over again. :twirl:

There's probably something to do with a minor form of OCD or something, if you were to really get into it.

An excellent point I missed out on earlier and which I do all the time. The classic "replay 4-hours-of-my-life restart to change my eyebrow shape"...and why I couldn't cope with the the 360 or PS3 version without console showracemenu for aesthetic changes.

I spent the Timelord knows how many months of my life on low-level characters on Guildwars because there was no way, post-char-creation, of changing hair style or colour.

But woudn't it be more interesting if i did X differently and combined X with Y? ARGH! :flamethrower:


To which end, I am :bolt: to play my Reaver again...and finally try and decide which weapon tree to go...and whether to smith or bind weapon...and whether to be a small-minded ass and go Ulfric or understand honour and go Empire...

ARGH! indeed.
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Kat Stewart
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:34 am

I've done this only three times so far but i finally figured out the exact spec i want to play as. It didn't really ruin the game but I just want to get the things I did do on my first character over with.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:53 pm

Honestly whats the point of having a 'perfect' character. Inperfections make the game more fun and interesting
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:07 am

RIGHT i have written on my ps3 "NO" (on a post-it note obviously, i didn't etch it into the plastic)

This is going to be my final character before i finish his story or roleplay, he is a mage. I'll probably kill myself on purpose and claim its a dead is dead character though -,-
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Joie Perez
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:15 pm

Restartitis is rarely anything to do with that, however.

In Mass Effect, for example - I'd get so far with my character, and then start over just because I thought I'd rather he had a slightly different shade of brown for his hair color, for example. I'd do almost exactly the same things up to that point where I'd started back - only this time I was the exact same character with slightly different hair. And then I'd get a bit farther and think "you know, I actually think I'd liked it better with the first option."

Only by then I'd deleted my original saves so that I wouldn't be tempted to hem and haw any more - so then I'd have to go back to the very beginning all over again. :twirl:

There's probably something to do with a minor form of OCD or something, if you were to really get into it.

I can relate fully once again.
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Big mike
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:12 am

Maybe you're trying too hard to create The Perfect Character (whatever that is for you). Try accepting your character's flaws, and realize that you'll have plenty more play-throughs to try other characters. You might also try focusing on a single questline for awhile, if you aren't already.
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Rudi Carter
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:12 am

FAILED: just started again, i had incorrect hair.
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Wanda Maximoff
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:54 am

Just play!! After you beat the game you can go back and replay it with new characters. Do not let this ruin what is most likely *THE* game of the year (past/next few years?). Push ahead. I admit I have 3 chars rolled, but only one of them (my marksman) has made it past Riverwood.


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