so this time around I decide to wander the fields and gather the bear pelts myself. You can buy them, also, but I wanted to get back to the game, so off I went. I wasnt sure if I'd maxed training for this level or not, and when I finallly found enough pelts, I brought them to Bralsa and realized she couldn't train me until I leveled. No problem- finding bear pelts had leveled me up and improved acrobatics as well- no more major loss of stamina through jumping, what a relief. I thought I'd clear nearby Fort D to find a pallet to sleep on but decided to go to Imperial city, sleep and then sell my goods. I was a little heavy. Did all that- and then couldn't find Bralsa anywhere.
Now, this only alarmed me a little- she occasionally wanders off. Though I hadn't chosen Destruction in quite some time, I remembered that. So I bounced around the boulders and ruins and looked for her. No good, so I tried detect life spells. Then I got real serious and put on a hat with Detect life. Only me and Shadowmere showed up. I searched an ever increasing circle. I mean- what could take out a master level destruction gal?
Then I found her- lying on the ground, dead, quite a ways from her little bed nest near the ruins. Wow.
Unfortunately for me, I'd played so long looking for bear pelts that I'd forgotten to save for an hour, with the exception of the auto save when sleeping. Went to that save, slept again, leveled, and instead of selling my goods put on all my quick gear and ran back to Bralsa. I couldn't find her- and then saw a pink form on a hill. It was she and she was alive!
I took the training, which brought me over 75, and then spent some time looking around to see what had killed her- if it was still coming. Sure enough, about a hundred yards away I found a Ogre, and killed it. I kept looking, killed another Ogre and a Minatour (sic) also.
What troubles have you had keeping a trainer alive? The marksman trainer near Anvil is one of the hardest, and I'd already maxed that and when last checked she was still breathing. I like to stop by now and then to see how she is and kill any bandits at her favorite bandit camp- the one she wanders by and dies in.
Alright- if I really want to keep Bralsa alive, if I go back to her area every two days, will that prevent respawning of bad things in that area? Does it matter? I normally can't answer these type questions, because after all- a stray bad thing can wander by and kill her. There's a ruin nearby and a fort. I usually visit about every three days to help keep a trainer going.
There must be other difficult trainers besides the marksman and the destruction lady. If we could marry in Oblvion, the marksman would probably be it for me. She's a real peach.
When I'm in the dark brotherhood and my infamy goes up- her opinion of me goes down. When I'm clean, it goes up. I like that.