Of course this is all conjecture on my part, but I wouldn't be surprised if there is a faction in Fallout 4 called The Faith, a continuation of organized Christianity (and all that goes along with that, for good or ill). The reasons why I think this are because a.) they gave the lady a backstory, complete with a mysterious "hidden base" and B.) it just struck me as odd that she would even be there if she wasn't a harbinger of things to come. I mean, why give her that backstory if there wasn't going to more to this group? Couple these points with the fact that the first stop on her journey (that was documented on her computer terminal) was The Commonwealth, and we can conclude that the "Hidden Base of The Faith" is close enough to The Commonwealth for them to possibly establish at least an outpost there. The way she described the organization sounds a lot like the Followers of the Apocalypse, if they became all preachy.
I admit, this theory may or may not be plausible, it was just something that occurred to me and seemed odd so I wanted to share with the forum and get other opinions on it. So please, discuss!