I recently finished the quest "In My Time of Need" on my most recent character. This is the first time I have decided to help Saadia instead of turning her in, just to see what would happen. However, I generally do not regard her as telling the truth.
Saadia claims that the Alik'r were hired by the Aldmeri Dominion to capture her, claiming that she was part of the resistance against them.
On the other hand, Kematu claims that has come on behalf of the Houses of Taneth to Skyrim to see Saadia brought to justice. He claims that she sold the city out to the Aldmeri Dominion.
I believe Kematu is more likely to be telling the truth because Saadia seems hesitant to tell the truth. Kematu, on the other hand, is very open and honest in telling you what you need to know. Furthermore, the Alik'r prisoner in Whiterun claims that he has shamed his companions and that he wants to start a new life, which causes me to believe that he is being honest about their cause. Also, the fact that Kematu doesn't kill her outright and instead paralyzes her in order to take her back to Hammerfell for justice shows that he is not an assassin like Saadia claims.
The fact that makes me doubt Saadia more than anything is that she claims that the Aldmeri hired the Alik'r to kill her, but since when have the Aldmeri needed to hire others (Especially from an enemy province) to do their work? They have their own Thalmor Justiciaries to do their work.
What are your opinions and thoughts on this?