I don't normally rant but a lot of key binding are just annoying me.
* open containers HUD with R key. come on... quite often i hide behind some desk and reload I end up open the containers in the middle of battle. really? can't we bind the containers interface to something else?
* inconsistent usage of key. e.g. in most case we use TAB to cancel action, but in building interface we use TAB to store built object if we are facing the item. but TAB also use to navigate the build menu, so quite often when I do some quick navigation between the menu i end up removed the items i am facing then i need to place them again
* bash/grenade in some button. so if i run out of grenade i accidentally bash air (unfortunately the grenade counter normally not showing in HUD too). and sometime in the middle of battle when i accidentally press the bash too long i end up throw a grenade right infront of my face (the worse is molotov in melee range, it is instant suicide)
* also another problem with default key - alt-tab = throw a grenade
* chat button using left/right/up/down, as WASD user i almost always use mouse to click. in most case it is fine, but often the companion just not standing still if I try to talk with them (like trade) and as soon as they walk away i end up shoot my gun to Diamon City Security =.= I think using 1,2,3,4 is also works but i can't find which button is matching which one, and also can we make the NPC just stand still and not doing anything if I try to talk to them?
i really like all those new stuff they try to do in Fallout 4. game experience is great in lot of area but also lot of area want me bash my head to my table, and those UI issue always happen in every bathesda game like skyrim that always try to make me rage >_<