As the titaly say, need a CORRECT key remap ability.
-If you remap movement keys, cant move anymore in construction mode
- Cant rebind "tab" to "cancel" in the menu whatever the pipboy key
- Cant rebind "hold breath" while aiming with sniper
- Need sperate key for "grenade throw" / " construction mode" / "light" its not a freaking gamepad no need to "hold for x second" we can just assign another key
- Loot "all" key rebind ? maybe ?
- ALL menu keys rebind
- when using the "shortcut" like "open map key" pressing it again do not close the pipboy, you have to ****ing press tab.
- In construction mode need to rotate objects like during loading screen and not that crap gamepad configuration :
* hold a key / mouse button - move X mouse axis to rotate object. ( IS that really that hard ? ) So have a REAL good control over object rotation.
how the hell in 2015 its possible to deliver such terrific keyboard support ?