This is obiously a game not/never meant to be on PC... The numerus configurations/hard/software etc...
They(Betsheda) only wanted to make something, that somewhat and basicly works with a Xbox/PS4 controller...
"Well what the heck, let them/us(PC community) try it out and in the process let them do most the work as volentery moders/ before, like Skyrim..."...
They did a crossower porting but forgot one smal thing..."once again"

PC players are still deemed to have keyboards, mouse...etc...
A working keyboard reconfiguration system?... Well, someone problebly said...
- "There is NO need to provide those pestering PC player anything "extra"...configuration options...etc...
- "We alredy have an solid/potesionale marketbase, within the console nitch"...
- "Nah that's NOT that important, they (PC players) can always buy an usb gamepad and learn to adapt!.."
I have an usb Xbox gamepad and HATE just about everything being forced to use it!!!
17 hours into the game(regarding saveclock) I have lost most of the combats (24/7) and 1-15 times over and over again...
Just becuse of the freaking gamepad... MOST of all becuse the aming with a gamepad is [censored]... to much left/right/upp/down...etc...
A game that allows you play a somewhat FPS, a mouse gives you so much more feeling/precission, just to aim... And AIM IS an essentonal bit of most FPS combat

Just, take a look on the standard keybord....
WASD, are as far from the mouse as you can get... and in general nather natural or confy... Atleast not for me...
Most keybords HAVE an numeric keypad on the right side, atleast my Logitech G15 has it...
And for me it's natural and even into my bonemarrow to reanssing W(forward) for keypad5, S(back) to keypad2... spacebar(jump) to keypad0, CTRL(sneak) to keypad, or Aktivate/Use from E to keypadEnter...
But as usual Betheda's staff ignore their coustemers... They had a storm of "[censored]" 5 years ago or so...when they relased Skyrim without a propper keyreassignment...
They even had to make a patch for it...month latter!!!
WHY don't THEY learn/addapt to us/the coustemers WHO acctuly are stupid enuff to buy their products and in the end acctuly pay their bills/salary's...
Do they even have some forms of alfa/beta test's!!! Do they even brows the webb, look at the postings/critics or talk to acctual gamers, regardless of system's???
As for this FAILURE!!! It was seen and criticised 5 years ago!... But obviously Betsheda learnt nothing and the same "[censored]"/shortcomming occured AGAIN!!!
Once again, as in Skyrim but FIVE yeats ago??? Didn't you/Besheda learn ANYTHING!!!!
Moding community's aside, but WHY do I need a 3part program/and program/run, just to reconfigure something so basic as an keybord with a numeric tablet???