I know how things go on internet forums, so I'm sure you're still going to argue with me even if I keep demonstrating you're wrong. But anyway, I'll give it just a last try.
1. I think you confound pectoralis with briasts. Perhaps you should learn that briasts aren't muscles, nor are they sacks of fat. But come on, entertain me, and show me a proof of bird briasts!

2. Argonians are reptiles. But then again, there are various examples of humanoid shapes in nature: http://www.fellowearthlings.org/images/home_meerkat.jpg so yeah, I don't think meerkats feel anything towards human briasts. Oh wait, an anthropomorphic lizard! -> http://www.factzoo.com/sites/all/img/reptiles/jesus-lizard-running-on-water-basilisk.jpg Surely this creature loves a pair of briasts!
If you'd pay attention to biology, you should know that being shaped like something does not mean being that thing. (Otherwise we should all be very worried about this http://www.tourtamoan.com/files/perter_pencs_pepper_1_191.jpg ) Argonians have evoluted in a way that gives them an human-like figure. It does not make them human.
If you want your furry fandom fix of anthropomorphic creatures that have NOTHING of animalic but are basically humans in a costume, please, go to a furry forum. I hate the furry fandom precisely because of how they know little to nothing about real Nature.
Chicken briasts. Yum. I am not using the term briast to mean Mammary Glands. I'm using the term to refer to the muscle and fat tissue on ventral side of the upper abdomen, synonymous with chest. Outside of the feet, Argonians
do have human body proportions, and that can easily extend to the formation of fat over the briasts.
2. Those are bipedal, not anthropomorphic. Anthropomorphism is the application of
human(Anthro) qualities to a non-human. In most instances, this is a
mental more than physical change. Evoluted is not a word, and, actually, they were created/shaped by the
Hist. I'm not saying they
do like briasts. I'm saying your logic for why they
wouldn't like briasts is faulty. Also, the aforementioned animals, as far as we know, do not mate for pleasure. We cannot say the same about Argonians.
Since we do not know of any species that are as intelligent as humans,
all creatures with intelligence
are Humans with a different body-shape and physical features. Without another template, it's all we have to work with. Yes, we can give them "Different perceptions" than humans, but all that is are Humans in Funny-looking Bodies and wearing silly Cultural/Personality hats. And, due to Rule 36 of the Internet, there's a
human that likely thinks like said Funny-looking human. Even when we try giving them "Animalistic" thought qualities, we are only giving them thoughts along the lines of "How the animal behaves and thinks as a human understands it", and it's easy to find a humans that share the same percieved thought patterns (Where do you think Otherkin come from?)
Even if the body's completely different than a human's, the species/race was created
by humans in
our image, with heavy alteration.