Westly, I just started a new char, a Dagi-Raht, but I noticed something and just wanted to know if you made this on purpose:
You gave the dagi-raht the power "glades of tenmar" which features blindness and silence. But what irritated me was that it will be cast on self. Is it really meant that way?
You know, I did not adjust the spells as originally set up by Atreus (so as to keep something of his original work in the mix).
I trusted his judgement on these, but if you think I should go back and redo the spells, then I will consder it

Take Care
EDIT: After a closer look, I will say yes to changing the spells (as I believe that spell was a mistake on Atreus part).
The spell should have been a cast on target (no doubt). I will upload the new .esps as soon as I am able.