***************************************************************** The Elder Scrolls III MORROWIND: Khajiit Diversity Revamped Original Concept by Atreus Remade/Revamped by Westly *****************************************************************Index:1. Installation2. Playing the Plugin3. Save Games4. Westly's Ohmes-Raht Race5. Issues/Bugs/Glitches6. Credits & Usage***************************************************************** 1. INSTALLING THE PLUGIN*****************************************************************Files Included in this Mod are:New Khajiit Diversity(BEAST).espNew Khajiit Diversity(BEAST)X.espNew Khajiit Diversity(CIV).espNew Khajiit Diversity(CIV)X.espMeshes FolderTextures FolderEXTRAS FolderTo install, simply place the 4 .esps, Meshes, and Textures in your games Data Files folder as they are (do not take any files out of the existing folders as they are, else the mod will not work properly)The EXTRAS folder contains an optional Meshes folder for the Ohmes-Raht race that provides the option for nudity (for those that like to take full advantage of all of the wonderful BB clothing and armour options available. To install this option, take the Meshes folder out of the EXTRAS folder and place it in yourgame's Data Files Folder***************************************************************** 2. PLAYING THE PLUGIN*****************************************************************Pay close attention to this, as I am sure that many will be confused as to which .esp to use (out of the 4 included). Those that do notread the README have no excuse for their confusion (save personal laziness), since all of the information as to their use is here.There are 4 .esps included with this Mod:New Khajiit Diversity(BEAST).esp- This .esp is the full mod with the new races set up as beast/bent-leg versions (with alterations to existing Khajiit NPCs as per Atreus' original design)New Khajiit Diversity(BEAST)X.esp- This .esp is the mod with the new races set up as beast/bent-leg versions (Races only with nochanges made to any NPCs save for the 6 original NPCs added by this mod.New Khajiit Diversity(CIV).esp- This .esp is the full mod with the new races set up as civilised/upright versions (with alterations to existing Khajiit NPCs as per Atreus' original design)New Khajiit Diversity(CIV)X.esp- This .esp is the mod with the new races set up as civilised/upright versions (Races only with nochanges made to any NPCs save for the 6 original NPCs added by this mod.From the Morrowind Launcher, in the Data Files section, check offONLY ONE of the .esps (as per how you wish to play the game). Do notuse more than one at a time (as this could blow up the planet :) ).***the Ohmes-Raht remain the same on all of the .esps***(The following is based on Atreus original README with modificationsmade by me so as to remain revelvant to the mod as I have currently made it)This plugin adds 3 new Khajiit races, the Cathay-Raht jaguar-men, the large Suthay-Raht tiger berserker (a somewhat original race inspired by the ferocity of the Senche-Raht), and the mysterious Dagi-Raht (inspired by the mystical look of Siamese cats).All of the races are Better Bodies, with two .esp types that supportthe desire to play as a true Beast race (with bent legs), or upright/civilisedversions (with tails).I have changed some NPC's to the new races - not many, since the Khajiit in Morrowind are mostly Suthay-raht anyway - and also because the Suthay-raht Berserker and Dagi-raht especially would be remarkably rare, if not unheard of in Morrowind. None of the major Khajiit NPC's were changed, as they all fit the Suthay-raht's profile very well.For more information on the Khajiit you can:1.Talk to Jobasha2.Read the following books: Mixed Unit Tactics v.1 The Eastern Provinces A Dance in Fire (all)3.Check out the fine information on Khajiiti birth patterns on Adrien's Chalice website or at the Imperial Library ***************************************************************** 3. Save Games*****************************************************************This plugin will not invalidate your old saved games. If you save your game while this plugin is loaded, you may encounter error messages when you reload the saved game without the plugin. But you will beable to continue on with the original game.Switching between the .esp versions should be fine as long as you only switch between the "X" versions or the "Non-X" versions.In other words (and for example), your game should be fine if you switch from the New Khajiit Diversity(BEAST).esp to the New Khajiit Diversity(CIV).esp (as both make the same changes)However, switching from the New Khajiit Diversity(BEAST).esp to theNew Khajiit Diversity(BEAST)X.esp could be problematic, as one makes changesthat the other does not (etc, visa/versa, yadda-yadda-yadda)Be sure to pick the .esp sets that best suit your gameplay (NPC changesor no NPC changes).***************************************************************** 4. Westly's Ohmes-Raht Race*****************************************************************In addition to the above races (mostly based on Atreus original setup)I (Westly) have included my own Ohmes-Raht Race (Better bodies like therest). The Ohmes-Raht are set up with the same stats as the original Khajiit race, with a few bonuses to their abilities and powers.In this version of the mod, I have not yet placed any Ohmes-Raht NPCs, so they are a playable race only.***************************************************************** 5. Issues/Bugs/Glitches*****************************************************************1.) The new races use better bodies, and as such may clip with certainoriginal arour and clothing pieces (but this was evident with the BBmod to begin with, but it bears repeating)2.) The new races also use Better Body compatible claws (modified from the original BB meshes by Gagatek and Fenrya13). These claws are essential in adding that extra beastial feel to these races. The claws may clip slightlywhen holding certian weapons.3.) The races also use hair meshes that utilse alpha channels. These may have rare instances of flickering when passing through another mesh that also uses alpha channels (like vines or rays of light).4.) The "civilised" version of the races (as well as the Ohmes-Raht raceas a whole) use a physiqued tail mesh that uses the neck slot. As such, if one dons apparel or armour that also uses the neck slot, then the tailwill temporarily dissappear. Upon the removal of the armour/clothing, though, the tail will reappear.5.) This is still in BETA, as the voice files have not yet been added to thenew races (so do not be surprised when you do not recive a vocal reply to your prescence in the game from the new races).6.) In Atreus' original mod, the race that I have set up as the "Suthay-Raht Berserker" race was called the Senche-Raht. Due to public opinion that this was not very lore friendly *sad* I changed the race the the race as it is in the present mod. I thought it would be better to have made up/new sub-species, rather than offend anyones sensitivity toward lore. As such, the race is not a "true" Suthay-Raht, but will be referred to as such by otherNPCs (as the full title of Suthay-Raht Berserker was a bit much). ***************************************************************** 6. Credits & Usage*****************************************************************-Atreus for the original .esp that inspired this remake-Psychodogstudios and the Better Bodies team for the excellentBB models-Kieve for the Better Body compatible foot mesh (developed for his White Senche Race)-Ren for the excellent hair models which I converted from the Oblivion files to be used in Morrowind-Rhedd and Robert for great and invaluable head meshes (in someinstances modified by myself), used for the Ohmes-Raht and a few heads for the other Khajiit Races-Gagatek and Fenrya13 for the wonderful BB claw models (essential for any BB beast race)-Westly for textures and hours of going back and forth as to the properapproach for this mod (much head scratching and deep contemplation and floor pacing)-Gorg for two great male hair meshes for the Ohmes-Raht race_I am probably forgetting someone, but this is the BETA README, so it can be altered in future versions for corrections and involuntary omissions.-This mod and its content is not to be redistributed, sold, or reused in other mods (the latter is consent permitting). For permissions and usage (for textures and altered meshes) contactme at the Bethesda Games Forum in a PM by my given ID, Westly :) .
Size Comparisons:
NPC Screens:
(AAAAAARGH!, I mispelled my own name in the topic title

Could a mod please fix it for me