Khajiit light build.

Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:33 am

I am currently rolling a Khajiit 'spellsword'. Meaning, Light Armour, One-handed [ dual wield ], Conjuration, Restoration.

Reason why is that I prefer Elven/Glass over any armour currently. Will this build survive on expert level?

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Manuel rivera
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 3:40 pm

I am currently rolling a Khajiit 'spellsword'. Meaning, Light Armour, One-handed [ dual wield ], Conjuration, Restoration.

Reason why is that I prefer Elven/Glass over any armour currently. Will this build survive on expert level?

I would be interested to see what people think of this as well. I'm thinking of trying out a similar build.

Light Armor, One-hand, Conjuration, Illusion, Block? (not sure yet on 1H+shield or dual wield)
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:30 am

With blocking, this definitely works, since it's what I've been doing (well, minus conjuration, but having it is a major plus, not a downside). The armour thing isn't a problem (I frequently put on fur armour because I like the look!), though I do use stealth often and try to play in an "agile" fashion (I, as the player, dodge attacks by moving a lot). You can also do a lot with enchanting and smithing, and alchemy. The armour rating cap is fairly low in Skyrim.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 6:40 am

Excuse my noobness, since I've been playing a full on warrior, but wouldn't casting spells required you to remove the shield/weapon, then equip it again?
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 6:18 am

I have a wood elf with a similar build with archery mixed in, and have only died once(by a stupid giant) i'm currently at level 11.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 3:52 am

I think you’ll be able to make it. Conjuration magic gets pretty good the further you get into the perk tree. They practically do most of the work for you. I think that build might work out rather well for you. Good luck.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 3:34 pm

I am playing a khajit 1 hand, block, conjuration, light armor, enchanting, and a little alchemy and i am loving it. Not having any trouble dyeing but i have yet to turn the difficulty up
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:45 pm

Excuse my noobness, since I've been playing a full on warrior, but wouldn't casting spells required you to remove the shield/weapon, then equip it again?

Well that's what hot keys are handy for, and unless you want to use the dual cast perk, which for something like conjuration isn't really a big deal, you only need to swap out one hand.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:27 am

It really depends on how you play it, I'm currently doing an unarmed Khajiit build with the gauntlet perk (and unarmed enchant) but otherwise ligt armor on expert and its fun, but deadly. Do you plan on useing conjured swords with your one-hand?
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jenny goodwin
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:49 pm

Those of you who play 1H+shield with conjuration, how do you use your stat points? Shield, and melee combat in general, use up quite a bit of stamina, but I presume you also need a somewhat decent magicka pool for conjuration? (I haven't really experimented with it much.)
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 3:11 pm

Those of you who play 1H+shield with conjuration, how do you use your stat points? Shield, and melee combat in general, use up quite a bit of stamina, but I presume you also need a somewhat decent magicka pool for conjuration? (I haven't really experimented with it much.)

You dont have to lvl up ur magicka a lot because u can enchant armor to get more magic and make casting cost less as well. plus i put perks on reducing conjuration spells in the tree. I have divided up stamina and health bar with a few more in stamina. I wish i wouldnt have put so much in health, but at the beginning of the game i would just get my teeth kicked in... Made me paranoid about getting one shotted thus i kept adding to health bar
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:05 am

You dont have to lvl up ur magicka a lot because u can enchant armor to get more magic and make casting cost less as well. plus i put perks on reducing conjuration spells in the tree. I have divided up stamina and health bar with a few more in stamina. I wish i wouldnt have put so much in health, but at the beginning of the game i would just get my teeth kicked in... Made me paranoid about getting one shotted thus i kept adding to health bar

Hmm, good info, thanks! I've been wondering about adding conjuration, but was unsure about the magicka requirements for it. I would probably also need to get illusion up a bit for quiet casting, I think, at least for the way I like to play.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:50 am

Thanks for the intel people. During your posts, I have finally upgraded to dual Bound Swords to fit the style of this Khajiit I am RP'ing. Travelling light and summoning the essentials as well. I also am capable of summoning an Atronach as a semi-permanent companion when I need her.

Your comments are also interesting, I can already see a few uses here and there!

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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 6:15 am

I am currently rolling a Khajiit 'spellsword'. Meaning, Light Armour, One-handed [ dual wield ], Conjuration, Restoration.

Reason why is that I prefer Elven/Glass over any armour currently. Will this build survive on expert level?

I am a light armored Khajiit. I am a level 20 or so.
Anything is useable as long as you put perks on it, especially the first star on each skill's constellation (make Light Armor 20% more effective) And it just keeps going up from there.
I se food and alchemy for health instead of restoration, but it is still the same idea.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:53 pm

I am a light armored Khajiit. I am a level 20 or so.
Anything is useable as long as you put perks on it, especially the first star on each skill's constellation (make Light Armor 20% more effective) And it just keeps going up from there.
I se food and alchemy for health instead of restoration, but it is still the same idea.

Yes. I do invest perks into all four of them. I also chose the Mage Stone, since 2 of my skills are in one group and the others in two separate archetypes. I am slowly but surely trying to become more magic orientated since my swords are already replaced by ethereal ones and I carry nothing at hand that will slow me down.
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