OP, you absolutely need to go the heavy armor route. You don't necessarily have to wear the armor, but you need fists of steel to be a contender throughout the entire game. I took a Khajiit from lv.1 to lv.30 hitting harder than any other character I had played up 'til that point.
What Fists of Steel does is add the gauntlet's armor rating to your base unarmed attack, so if you have a Daedric Gauntlet with an armor rating of 54, plus miscelleaneous unarmed enchantments, plus the khajiit's natural +15 unarmed bonus, well...you're doing colossal amoutns of damage, and much faster than warhammers and the like.
Two other benefits to the heavy armor route are the two perks that add +25% to your heavy armor rating a) if you're wearing all heavy armor, and B) if you're wearing a matching set of heavy armor. There are so many ways to supplement unarmed it's not even funny. If anyone ever tells you unarmed is not a viable, nay powerful way of playing, proceed to mock and belittle them until they accept your superiority.
See I'm hearing mixed thing here. Some people say you get the full armor rating of the gloves others are confirming what the wiki says and that it's only the base armor of the item at heavy armor skill 1.. I also didn't think of that, taking the heavy armor perk and wearing light armor instead (I would only want to be wearing a bracer type of glove not a gauntlet, I wanna use the claws.
I may wait on this character until CK and some mods start coming out, I'm less than satisfied with the looks you can get right now.