I can see where someone can make a connection between Khajiit and Ka Po' Tun, they ARE very similar in appearance, and even the text states that it's not Impossible that they could be related "It is unknown to what extent they are similar or related to the Khajiit."
That doesn't mean it's "Not a possibility", it being unknown means no fact can be stated out of it, It's out in the sea of possibility that they ARE related, or they AREN'T. Neither is confirmed, so let us just stop Bashing Jylag-gro-burgok for Suggesting the possibility
I'd actually like to be informed on this, Are other Cultures different interpretations & names of the Gods not based off of the same single Entity? Only Azurah in the Khajiit Pantheon is stated to be a separate Entity to Azura the Daedric prince.
Is S'rendarr not Stendarr?
Khenarthi not Kynereth?
Merrunz not Mehrunes Dagon?
Or go to the extent and say Mara isn't Mara? (Khajiit didn't even bother to change that name)