Has anyone been able to fix that obnoxious twisting that occurs while sneaking and moving?
That one.
I've tried mods that relocate the tail(not a fan of that one but figured I'd try it anyways), and it was mostly fixed for argonians, but not khajiit.
I'm afraid of trying the physics tails, mostly because of the obnoxious setup involved and the bugs that go along with that, but this is really a killer.
I'm half tempted to try retexturing the tail myself, making it one solid color, becuase the main reason it bugs me is because the underside is bright freaking white and none of the skin colors(modded or not) get rid of that. There is a gross lack of khajiit textures too I notice.
I only use vanilla bodies(if you can't tell) and it's getting close to causing me to remove the tail entirely.