» Wed Aug 18, 2010 11:41 pm
there are no pictorial references to architecture, as far as i know (Arena doubtlessly has some, but its all 8 bit squares in there).
logically, i'd say that the northern section uses mostly stone and mud bricks, while the southern section uses more wood.
modders have traditionally interpreted Elsweyr as having Egyptian references, which makes some sense but is not exactly original. A quick google search brought up a few images of http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2118/2495881719_0c5836d71f_b.jpg that i would consider http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2206/2495879593_efddd037ef_b.jpg (images property of Ken Mccown). no lore basis for this, but its original and looks like something that the khajiit would do (to me at least).