» Fri May 13, 2011 10:43 pm
To defend the Oblivion models a little bit... do you guys honestly want "cat people" to walk in such a clumsy and restricted way like in Morrowind ? You can′t blame it on graphics since the humanoid and mer races had fine legs. Does "feline" really conjure up images of an animal struggling to walk without tumbling on its face from its own stiffness ?
At least for me felines conjure up images of grace and agility, in terms of legs I′d only change their legs from the ankle and down, to have a more catlike shape adding a extra "spring" to their step, and when it comes to if the females should have boobs or not... well I′m not sure, both seem kinda logical, Khajiit should fight with their claws in hand to hand though.
For argonians I have little to say, only that I liked the models in Oblivion better somehow but in Morrowind it seemed logical that creatures that spent their time mostly in water had little grace on land and walked in a funny way, almost like if frogs stood up on two legs and started to walk around.