NP Illusionary Nothing - it was getting a bit complicated ...
I think the fact we have not seen the full plethora of forms in one game has been because the lore was not developed initially in arena/daggerfall and design decision like make the Khajiit have bent legs in morrowind to make them weird like everything else there and human legs in Oblivion. We really would have to have a game set in Elsweyr to really get a chance to see the extent of forms they can take. I am not sure why the tiger and house cat forms would be so hard for them to implement in the next game, just enough to show that there can be variations to the species. Probably many players from Oblivion (due to the lack of substantial lore) and possibly Morrowind may still not yet realize they can come in other forms besides humanoid which is sad!
I think the other guys have said enough on this, but I would like to point that that ORCS were once mer. You can read up on their lore for the full details. Perhaps that is what you were thinking of?
You have obviously never met my cats who you can talk to, yell out, throw things and yet they still will not get off the kitchen counter or stop scrathing the furniture while looking me in the eyes. Cats that actually understand and listen would be a godsend!

Interesting take on the basic forms going according to the nature of the dominant race ... I like it, but I am afraid that when you look at all the other stuff that happened during the creation of Ob ... things pan out another way.
It was that old conundrum = get a few billion more turnover by:
- overloading cheap, flash graphics effects suitable for XBox/PS/Wii;
- reduce variety of in-game models to accomodate the above;
- reduce gameplay flexibility to accomodate same.
Or stay with a mainly PC-based format and have:
- double the area of play that Morrowind had;
- keep all the magnificent artwork and models that Morrowind introduced and add more;
- follow the Lore to date and build on it carefully, introducing new graphics and gameplay that accord with what is known and loved.
Guess what?
To be fair the AI adds something with real potential and the battle-system is improved ... and if they remove all the overdone and uneccessary SFX and are allowed to use a bit of imagination they can build something magnificent on that if they choose ... hey maybe even a clasic that goes on selling at a robust price fo rthe next 20yrs ...
Whether we get the real Khajjiit and Argonian deal for that matter will depend on ... you guess?
My grandad trained his cats to do everything you would expect of a dog ... it's how you handle them grimdeath - they are quite perceptive so bs does not work.
Re the Orcs? Try thinking they are still mer. The word is Orsimer. But the Imperials have been very busy burying all the Lore so that their Great Men can discover it! And that proves how great men are because the fool mer could not hold onto it in the first place?
On the other hand go to Summerset Isle ... or the Isle of the Psyjiics and they will have a different take on things