OK, when announced, most were celebrating, others where complaining about implementing the kick system. Now... let's be realistic: in 17 times trying to kick a cheater out of the server, 0 have been succesfull, why? Well... you have explain everyone how to kick, some can't even kick, I usually see the message in the console "warning: unknown command 'vote'" so I have never seen a successful kick, again, the old "solution": leave the server. It seems that Crytek protects cheaters rather than thinking how to kick them. They are still in the leaderboards, they are threated with a 10 minutes ban [when they actually deserve permanent ban], and the implemented solution is not that simple for everyone to use it. Can't you just use it in the HUD so you can kick any cheater with strange symbols [I|||||lious, etc.)? There are even reports of admins not been able to kick some cheaters... WTF.
Really I'm **** up with so few players, lots of cheaters worse than in a free online FPS such as Wolfteam, and the worse: payed $60 for it, after a month I say it wasn't worth it, I'm just sick of the same problem and noob solutions for a payed product [not cheap by the way, I felt like if I was buying some cheap-bad game of 360].