First assignment: Kill a mage in a cage. Done.
Second assignment: Steal a mortar and pestle from the Arch-mage.
The game goes crazy (probably because I am the arch-mage and I can't steal anything that is already mine- figured that one out too late). So, not wanting to continue with a quest line I can't even begin, I deactivate the Kvatch Aftermath mod, but I'm still kicked out. The only way to get back is to get the seven recommendations again and I can't do that because everyone in Bruma is dead.
Tried UESP. Did their six line "SetPCExpelled ..." thing and still nothing. I'm now at a loss on how to proceed.
Is there anyway to get back to where I was before I started the Necromancer's guild quests? And code I can type into the console?
Any suggestions?
Thank you.