Ok, I'll come right out and say it, I didn't play Daggerfall... (Redguard was my introduction to the series) and I only loosely understand the Warp in the West, here's my stab at it: Game has multiple endings depending on your choices right, and that somehow "breaks the dragon" meaning that time is screwed up for a bit and nobody knows what really happened, everything happened at the same time, all possibilities etc. Consequently the multiple endings don't screw up the next game; Morrowind. If I'm wrong, please tell..
Anyway, seeing as how the main enemy is a Dragon who is the God of Time, is it inevitable then that when/if we kill Alduin or at least defeat him, that we cause another Dragon Break? Given that we just 'broke' "The Dragon" Alduin? Or do I not get the concept? If that's the case, then does that pretty much confirm multiple endings?
Sorry if this makes no sense, the Dragon Break doesn't either. :confused:
It should say "If I kill Alduin, not If a kill Alduin" in the title... oops.