I love the stealth kill "throat slit" animation in first person. I can't really comment on the other ones as I haven't, and probably will not, play a warrior. I'm mostly "stuck" with assassins and mages as I prefer those two. I did once summon two bound swords for some combat fun.
I did over a thousand stealth kills but only can recall of a few of the kill animations, not the insane amount people are talking about. Maybe reserve the kill animations until you do a certain minimum amount of damage and only with certain enemies(makes it more epic as well)?
I also love the stealth kill animation. Both the third person and the 1st person slit. Although the 1st person kill looks like dude is scalping people or opening the top of their head, looks weird. You can control how much it happens by sneak killing with your left-handed weapon or by doing a dual-power attack. I didn't know that the animation only work with a single, right-hand attack. For a week i was wondering why I wasn't seeing any animations until I read that on the boards here.
Either way, I much prefer the animations to the Oblivion-ish swipe at air, dude goes flying stealth kill (which is all you get for sleep killing hos). I'm also a big fan of the back-stab one-handed kills. I've got it down to a science now... quiet cast a dremora lord, beyond my target... target turns around... I roll up behind with a big F*** YOU blade through his sternum. Awesome.