Would you like to see a killcam toggle in the next update?
Would you like to see a killcam toggle in the next update?
I don't want a toggle, I want a slider that goes from none to some to normal to moar to EVERY TIME!
But I'd stick with Moar if we got a slider. You can't go wrong with that. Everyone wins this way.
Well, I'm guessing it's up each one's preference. I for one, downloaded http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/10906//? and cranked the killcam chance all the way to 100% -even removed the last enemy restriction
As for seeing a killcam toggle switch in a future patch, I don't believe it will happen. But then again, they added the legendary skills system so... you never know.
Yes, I think it would be a nice addition. I don't mind the killcams myself, but I think the option should be there.
A killcam toggle/slider and a meter showing how much longer you can stay underwater. I can't belivie the last one hasn't been included at all.
They've never done patches after dlc support ceased before, and although they said they would, they said they'd be small ones.
Personally since im on PC it isnt much of an issue. Besides i would like more killcams, hah. But some people totally abhor it. So yea it would be good, however i highly doubt they'll do that. Since it doesnt seem to be that huge of an issue.
There won't be any more patches. Beth has moved on. Hopefully to FO4.
They said they would do them as needed.
Meaning if they don't feel there is a need, there won't be.
I would love a toggle.
I pretty much hate all the killcams.
But I wouldn't mind them quite so much if they only triggered for proper enemies. I don't need a slow-motion view of a skeever going up in flames and then a 30 second interruption while its flaming carcass rolls down a small bump in the landscape.
I'm pretty sure that was there before 1.9
It happened to me before that but never since
I can say with confidence that it was not there before the update, I played on 360 beforeand after, and on pc before and after, and its obviously a problem that popped up after.
Personally about kill cams, as long as they FIX them, I dont care whether there is a toggle or now, although more options are ALWAYS better. When I say they need to be fixed, at least 50 percent of the time itll go into kill cam and my arrow / firebolt will fly passed the enemy...then i get attacked while its in cam mode.
There's a WHOLE lot more that needs fixing than just lip syncing.
Companions not equipping upgraded weapons (was suposed to be fixed last patch)
The "adds 1000 gold to all vendors" perk doesn't work for many many vendors.
Investing perks into Pickpocketing cause any potions/gear that have +pickpocketing to actually act as NEGATIVE pickpocketing! >—<
Nevermind all the horrific PS3 issues with DLC and bloating files
Hearthfire bugs... a WHOLE lota bugs.
I'm sure there's plenty more that I'm not thinking of...
Companions only started equipping bows and armor i gave them after making a new character. My old chars it didnt work .
I'd say more than 50% of the ranged kill cams don't work. I'm also VERY unimpressed with melee kill cams on dragons. I hate those with a passion too, because they look so darn stupid.
...try giving them an arrow that's higher than steel, or simply wait for them to get shot by an arrow higher than steel that gets put into their inventory.
They'll switch right back to their default bow.