I was wondering if anyone would like kill cam triggering as opposed too auto.You could use two buttons at once too trigger kill cam when you want?If you think this would be a good idea pass it on.
I was wondering if anyone would like kill cam triggering as opposed too auto.You could use two buttons at once too trigger kill cam when you want?If you think this would be a good idea pass it on.
You can't just trigger it when you want. It must be a killing blow to start with, otherwise everyone is just spamming two buttons throughout the battle.
Some even detest the killcam. A toggle would be the better hopeful. None the less, it's all wishful thinking as Skyrim is over.
I wish you could trigger a kill cam at will on "bleeding out" enemies, I also wish some Kill cames could be triggered, but not KILL the npc, just disable them or put them into a perma wounded state on the ground. for the PC brethren I'd recommend Ultimate Combat, just released by TKTK.
Killcams are cool, but I wish they had a toggle honestly.
I like the Kill cam, but I think it should be reserved for more epic situations. Ex- getting the final blow in Boss fight or a dragon a giant perhaps, but never on mud crabs.