Kill Elenwen

Post » Fri Apr 19, 2013 8:09 am

With the thalmor embassy locked up tighter than a miser's purse, and with the fact i completed the main quest, how does one get into the embassy 'Legitly'? I remember the doors are locked tight but someone reported elenwen is unessential after season unrending. Pity i didnt kill her at the talks, so i need to find a way into the embassy.

PC player btw, didnt want to use cheats, but tried the wooden bowl trick and didnt work sadly.
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Lewis Morel
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Post » Fri Apr 19, 2013 5:19 pm

I've heard there is a certain part of the fence you can jump over at just the right angle if you're riding a horse.
I realize that sounds fake and vague but I'll try to find a video to help out heh. There are other ways as well I think. Don't know what you'll find inside though, I don't think there is really anything to do there but pick up loot you missed the first time. People used to get in there because of the stones for the No Stone Unturned quest was in there but they moved it out at some point. Anyway, good luck!
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Laura Mclean
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Post » Fri Apr 19, 2013 4:47 am

Some people have said they actually encountered her outside the Embassy after the MQ and were able to kill her then, but I've never had that happen. I'm on PC so I just use the console command 'unlock' on the doors as needed. You can actually pick the lock to the main gate and the outer barracks, but have to use console commands or a glitch of some kind to get into the Embassy proper. It doesn't really bother me, since I've already ransacked the entire place once - including Elenwen's private quarters - I just RP that I took every key I could find and one of them got me in the door when I went back. Or I can pretend I took one off of the guards on patrol outside the Embassy, since I kill all of them anyway before I go in.

Hmmm... now that gives me an idea, about modding in a key that will unlock the door and putting it somewhere inside the Embassy to be found during Diplomatic Immunity. That would be cool.
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Cassie Boyle
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