You dont like tanks and healers much do you?
This is an open world sandbox STYLE MMO. There is no such thing as kill stealing mate. I understand your desire to have some sort of self gratification in soloing a mob but that is a selfish desire reserved for you single player games. The lower xp issue I understand a bit more but in the time it took you to solo that mob versus the xp loss in getting help can probably be averaged out through your daily experience and in the end would be a moot point.
To understand that last point more clearly, the 90 points you are complaining about will be made up in the 2 additional kills you get in the same time it would have taken to do it solo.
I don't even see the chain pulling as an issue, if someone wants to finish the mob off for me while I hit another one and I get xp from both..fine by me and thanks for the help.
To help you save the squishy members of your group when they get jumped. But you're right, it's terribly annoying when you're playing solo. Luckily, it didn't happen to me too often; when it did, I usually was teleport striking a mob who suddenly wasn't there anymore. But it was fair game because I wasn't actively engaging it yet.
I normally stayed away from other people's fights unless I saw they were about to die. Sorry if I ruined your potential victory by the skin of your teeth, just trying to help out. Would probably be better if I played a healer. But tbh, I came across so many bugged quests that when I finally saw a quest mob spawning correctly, I didn't care if someone else wanted their epic solo battle. I just wanted my share in the kill to be able to move on.
Sounds like a crutch to me, i am playing as templar and have no issue dishing out dmg as do the tanks. There are no per say tank or healer class's.
Ya i was surprised. But watching the numbers it showed otherwise. I was sad a little really.
The xp is worth a lot more then the gold and the xp is getting divide, if they wanted to give you the same amount of xp a kill no matter if someone tagged it then i am fine with it but the way it is, you better stay off my mob or i will get you killed
I like fighting alongside random strangers without a penalty. It encourages camaraderie.
Case in point: Wife and I were questing, and we saw a large group fighting at an anchor (or whatever the sky portal from hell thing is called), so we joined in. We had an absolute blast fighting all the daedra swarming out of the thing.
I dont mind getting help if i get in a bind or helping someone out but when i have a lvl 11 following me around tagging my mobs then dropping back and getting xp and loot off it i mind. When i am grinding mobs iam not there to make friends i am there for xp and thats it. Might sound harsh but thats how i grind.
Ok, I missed the bit about xp. If that's true there is a penalty, and it should be fixed. They did say there would be no penalty and that grouping would increase xp - I hope it's the case at release.
I think that watching another player be killed by 4+ enemies and doing nothing is worse. And it happened a lot to me. I just wanted to say "Seriously, people? You know there is no KS in this game, right? You know you can help people out, right?", but whatever, maybe they were not paying attention to their surroundings and just happened to have their characters looking to where my character was, so I never actually complained about it.
But I DO agree that pulling/pushing the mob away with a skill when other people are trying to kill it is incredibly rude. I mean, unless that person is obviously struggling.
Yep, was in that position a couple of times. Notihing like watching some scrub above your level just stand there while your character is getting curb-stomped.
When my xp is getting cut from someone hitting 1 time that is KSing to me. If someone is in a bind but thats it. What is the difference if you are a melee and you are running to a mob and a sorc or a archer kills it before you get there, they saw you running to the mob when it wasn't engaged but they snipe it, its the same thing as using the abilities. That stuff always happened and always will sadly thats just people being people.
Could it be that you shouldn't have put yourself in that situation of having multiple mobs on you or maybe you should have ran and broke agro, maybe the person that is watching isn't the scrub. There are a lot of ways to look at this
Nope. Was walking by an area and new mobs materialized like some hellacious version of Star Trek right behind me, yelled, and attacked without mercy.
So when you noticed the mobs and saw there were 4 you chose to fight them instead of running?
I ran. They chased my character down and slaughtered it.
I'm not the idiot you seem to think I am.
Yeah, I had this happen more than I can count over the last few beta weekends. However, destruction staff has this great ability called Destructive Touch, and when your mob gets chain pulled use it to blow the mob out of the rude DKs reach. This is also a good tactic for two players to use, it's like playing ping pong with the mob, and quite satisfying.
I didnt say that, your original post stated you were fighting 4 mobs and some higher lvl scrub just watched. So you made it sound like you were fighting 4 mobs and got in a bind and someone just watch you die, in the instance you just explained i think you did the right thing in running but i dont think intervention for you at that time would have helped if you were already running and i am assuming you were low of health.
It would be nice if people minded the abilities they're using, and not just using them haphazardly.
If a mob is clearly in someone's Wall of Elements, why would you pull it away?
Didn't start out low of health, but after being whaled on while running, saw my health was dangerously low, saw the scrub just looking on, so turned to fight at the last second when it was clear running wasn't doing the trick - and then pushing up daisies.
That's exactly while I'll help, when I see a single player or even two facing a large number of mobs.
That's not KSing. Kill-Stealing is when you engage, someone else out-damages you and gets ALL the XP and loot (i.e., original EverQuest). You may view it as KSing, but it isn't really: You're still being rewarded for your part in the effort. Getting nothing for your efforts is far far worse.
You'd prefer how WoW does it, then? Unless grouped, only the person originally hitting the mob gets anything from it?
The OP has a valid concern. He/she wants a degree of challenge from the game that the game's design doesn't really allow, if there are "helpful" people about. It's true for all open-world MMOs that anything that is a reasonable challenge for one character, is trivially easy for two or more. For someone who plays games for challenge, and not so much for loot or xp or character advancement, this makes such games very boring.
It's one of the reasons I hardly bother with MMOs anymore. If I don't get a sense of testing my (or my character's) limits, either alone or in a group, I shrug my shoulders and move on.
... and then there are folks like me who'd like to rip off the heads of folks who just look on and watch my character perish, so can't please everyone.