How can a Dova wishing to perfect his stealthy skillz expect to be successful with an invisible orchestra stalking him 24/7 ?
This mod comprises of silent sound files you install which the game will load instead of the original music files. Choose which music to disable by type ( personally I prefer to disable everything except Discover Special locations, Reveal music, Tavern music, and the two Special music options for the DLCs )
Resulting in no invisible orchestral music accompaniment throughout the game.
It also means you do not get any hints from the orchestra that danger approaches, so immersively its a better experience. Surprise attacks are a bit more of a surprise unless you hear their footfalls.
You also get to hear more of the sound effects a bit more clearly around the game.
I think also ( though this will only be a very small help ), this helps the game performance ever so slightly.
I think even with the volume turned down for music, the original music files are still being loaded and processed.
With small empty sound files its a little less loading / processing the game has to cope with.
From an original mod by Fleedar ( Disable Music by Category )
This version of the same idea updated to also disable music from categories such as :
Dread - Instills a sense of impending danger ( in Drauger dungeons for example ) = Cheating imho and ruins suprise
Reveal - Hidden areas, you may want to leave these alone and not install them because the sound is the only clue you have found one of these.
Reward - Have a good boy chocolate drop, or .. now you can choose not to get a pat on the head
Discover - I split these into a couple of options like Special for specific Castles, Sovngarde chanting
Intro Music, Main themes, Level Up and Failure music have not been included.
Aaaand ! - Now also includes DawnGuard and DragonBorn music not covered by Fleedars mod.
For a while I did not choose to disable the Dragonborn Explore music in my own game .. Because those tracks include the nostalgic remixes of Morrowind music which I love, but now that I disable them it makes those forlorn distant siltstrider noises stand out more. And the newly fixed Ash Hoppers ambush sound ( fixed by the UnOfficial DragonBorn Patch v2.0.3 ) is not drowned out by music.
Plus installer scripting for NMM and Wrye Bash ..
Automated Install :
If using Nexus Mod Manager, it will use the scripted installation. Follow instructions and make selections.
If using Wrye Bash, after putting the zip in Bash Installers, go to the Installers tab and right click the zip, and choose Wizard install, follow instructions and make selections.
( or .. just select individual sub-packages followed by right click install / anneal - Wrye Bash users know the drill )
Extract the archive with 7zip
Copy the music folder(s) of the music you want, to skyrimdata folder.
For example, if you want to disable only Skyrim exploration music, copy ..
20 Skyrim - Explore Musicmusic*all-files* to skyrimdatamusic*all-files*
NMM / Wrye Bash users just get your mod manager to un-install / re-install it as required with different options.
Manual installations : Delete your skyrim/data/music folder to restore the original music, or delete individual folders inside skyrim/data/music to restore only those tracks.

- No plugin or records to worry about, no scripts or references which will become embedded in your save game, just plain ol' replacer sound files.
Install / remove / overwrite as much as you want.
Though overwriting them with someone elses files may give you different music ..
That becomes your problem. As is any Mod manager related questions.
Go forth and rtfm.