the first one was on Gate Keepers,in the end when u enter the room with the stairs dont walk to him,just stop at the entrance and enable nanovision,if u see him just shoot him with K-Volt and start walkin to him (dont stop shootin ,keep shootin in one burst shots)when u are right near him shoot one last time at him then go behind him activate cloak the stealth kill him...taddamm,the he is dead lying on the floor,cloaked and u wont have the 5000 nano-catalyst.
the second one is on the level that u meet hargreave for the first time(the level after Dead Man Walking)the guardian Ceph is in the building that u see 2 Guardians when u leave the EMAT evacuation site(u cant kill those )so when u are in the building and there are ticks all over the place enable visor and tag every enemy that u see (never disable Visor!!!!)but when tagging be sure that u know what u are tagging(for example if u are tagging ticks it wont have a profile data in the left ,but if u tag a Guardian Ceph it will have one) when u are on the second stairs of the building (the entrance stairs does not count) cloak and look for one untagged enemy,that will be the Guardian then u can disable Visor ,but dont disable cloak!!!!! just pass trough him without being right in front of him(go next to the right wall still cloaked) when u are in the stairs u can decloak so u can recharge but dont gon on till u are recharged,the cloak again and go trough the stairs,in the end of the stairs enable nanovision just so u know whats is his position then throw a grenade at him,he will run to the stair that u r on then go behind him and stealth kill.(decloak before throwing grenade) Now there he is in th floor dead UNCLOAKED AND U CAN COLLECT 5000 NANO-CATALYST!!!!!!!!!!!
i figured it out myself ,and im here posting this just so i can other words im awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!
HEHEHehehehe XD