I have just under 30 hours, man I'd hate to throw it away. So I go thru a door (a 'loading' door) and my followers Veronica and REX and I appear somewhat overlapping and I'm kinda floating. I can fire and goto PIP and look around but can't walk and there is no HUD. I fast traveled to many other spots, always the same. Even blasted Veronica away from me but still stuck. I can't talk to either follower. Her and rex ran off to kill something, but my feet are still frozen. Funny thing too- if I duck, Veronica ducks. Seems to me Veronica and I got fused a bit in the transporter.
Also fall through the scenery often, stuck in terrain often. Game freeze often... I think the best game ever made but NV really needs help.
I'm a fool and didn't savegame- just have autosave. Anybody have ideas how to salvage my game? Can I maybe alter savegame file- spread us out and/or get HUD and movement back?