» Fri Jan 22, 2016 7:41 am
Like I said, I'm not gonna try to justify the actions themselves. Murdering and raiding are certainly evil acts. But I don't think that commiting them makes a person evil by default. It might make them cowardly, or weak, or evil depending on their reasoning behind it, but I do believe that there are plenty of other factors in determining someone's "goodness" or "evilness" than their actions. Motive, for instance, should come into play. And honestly, culture as well. I definitely think that cultures can have evil aspects to them, like the Vikings raiding, but when that being okay is all they know from birth to death, they are not entirely to blame. Especially when they do it for reasons such as survival, or even better, protecting/providing for others.
Compare that to, say, someone like Pickman, a raider type who kills for fun, or Walter White, who was in a position where he fully knew he was unnecessarily hurting others and knew it was wrong, but wouldn't stop, and you can see a clear difference in character.