Kind of wish we had a shadow of mordor style Nemesis system.

Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:06 pm

Get rid of the fancy wraith powers and the part where they kill you, and you have something workable in Fallout. Tribals, Raiders,slavers,ghouls, mutants and other scum who remember you, what you did last time, and who can always be replaced. You can gain control (through charisma) over leaders and have them commit war against another enemy of yours, You set up an underling to betray their leader and take their place. It's a system that should be adapted to all open world RPGs

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Penny Flame
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 8:49 pm

That's a common ailment.
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 3:35 am

That would be nice, but remember this is Bethesda. Not the people who Shadow Of Mordor.

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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 1:25 am

For Raiders and Super Mutants it would make sense. So why not.

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Connie Thomas
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 2:02 pm

That would be a nice touch to the Radiant AI, allowing for some Meaningful boss fights, where the Player must find Dynamically formed information of gossip and rumors, and info packets to better exploit a boss.
Ill be honest, it would be awesome to be in a pit fight with a Raider boss, and use Charisma and Evidence against him, and have all his followers in turn turn on him and 'tear em apart' or just force a failed moral check because he has a morbid fear of men in dresses? Or Heck, just a bunch of Raiders having a Celebration because of a successful raid and poisoning there liqueur, and offing a bounty/boss resuloution though underhand means.

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 2:07 pm

What. The Nemesis system works with the fact that you die and are revived. Stop trying to ruin the game.

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Symone Velez
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 2:31 pm

Nothing really survives my AMR + Exp rounds....

...I am the Nemesis. :devil:

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Zosia Cetnar
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 4:32 am

it could work with fallout and i dont thank he wants it just like it. just the fact you can influence people to be betray there leaders

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Claire Jackson
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 12:37 pm

That would require a non-lethal way to take down enemies or the NPCs ability to call it quits and surrender/run away.

Skyrim had enemies cowering and mock-surrender, but ultimately get up and start again - a missed opportunity in my book.

The other problem is that the nemesis system is ultimately generic. Those enemies change visually, but you're never quite interacting/talking to them. They don't have plans/contingency plans and grow as characters from failed attempts/mistakes of the past. Which ultimately makes them flat or hollow.

I'd love to see it if they concentrated on just one nemesis that grows alongside you and that you run into multiple times. Might even come out on top and gloat, if he plays his cards right. And have multiple avenues of character growth depending on how those encounters end.

That would be a worthwhile addition and make the game feel more alive.

That would also be complicated and resource-intensive to implement, so I'll hold no illusions on whether it'll done in a game.

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Michelle Serenity Boss
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 4:52 pm

I hope more lower level raiders could stop attacking you altogether and cower in fear if you are sufficiently infamous...

...Wait, what am I talking about? -w-' In the demo raiders still shoot at us even when we wear a hulking suit of walking-tank-armor.

Well, what could you expect from gangs of chem-crazy, bloodthirsty psychopaths?

I hope they add unique raider/super mutant NPCs which acts as powerful leaders and act like what you have said... Imagine them throwing wrenches at any quest you have. Would add more depth to gameplay and story...

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Peter P Canning
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 10:27 pm

"Oh look, the dragonborn who just killed the world-eater and also is the mages guild head-master, wears full dragonbone armor and just shouted that poor deer over that river. Let me get my iron dagger and rob him." - not-so-smart thief in Skyrim. Is a raider in an alternate Fallout universe.

Bethesdas AI lacks in a way to evaluate threat levels. Or maybe TES/Fallout have a slightly higher rate of full mental retardation.

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Katie Samuel
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 5:50 pm

They ate too much sweetrolls.

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 9:18 pm

try letting them live even when you're winning ,I explored the system and it Can work without you or them dying .

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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 3:13 am

I don't think people would actualy be able to put your face against the deeds of a hero they may or may not have heard of. Just like bandits not knowing of the dragonborn Chosen one of everything, raiders don't know of the player and how he united 86 tribes, successfuly wrestled a deathclaw, married a princess and killed a god. Though I do expect them to behave differently based on how well armed/rich you look.

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Ross Zombie
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 12:35 am

It would be great, but diffidently goes in the things I want to see in Fallout 5 or Elder Scrolls 6 stack.

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Jessie Butterfield
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 4:29 am

Well it did look like there was definitely different ranks of Raiders so I'm sure there will be your Rocksalts, Cook Cooks, and such. And hopefully they will be way tougher than normal Raiders.
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Sylvia Luciani
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 2:34 pm

Yes. I would really enjoy that. More than likely not, though. They already have so much good stuff in the game that they need to perfect, so... Maybe next game?

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Matt Fletcher
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 4:49 pm

Heck no! The last thing I need, is some [censored] bag coming back for the umphteenth time after DECAPITATING THEM for a ridiculous game mechanic that was more annoying than entertaining! Blowing off their legs, or even making their body explode to bits should be enough to prevent anyone from coming back! But no... friggen who ever the crap made that game decided it would be funny to make the most boring game in the world should bring back annoying enemies regardless of how they died. Besides, you're mostly using bullets and blunt objects! The likelyhood of anyone surviving a bullet to the brain, heart, chest, loosing a limb, body blown to bits, or skull caved in is slim.
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Laura Wilson
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 9:51 pm

I don't see how that would work since I tend to leave nothing alive.

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