Kinect for combat would make this game literally unplayable for me. I've had surgery done in my right shoulder, and as things stand now, I can't do very much with that arm at all before it gets tired and drops like a rock. And I can't lift it above shoulder-height. Admittedly, I've never seen Kinect in action, so I don't know how physical it gets. But here's the thing: Would it require a lot of movement in my right arm? Would it require me to reach above my head? If the answer to either of those is yes, then it's simply not an option for me.
If it's merely an option and doesn't detract from standard controller gameplay, then I wouldn't mind. But on the off chance that Skyrim does make considerable use of Kinect, I will be greatly put out. I didn't choose to require surgery in my shoulder, nor did it come about as a result of some stupid stunt I pulled--it was a condition I was born with that took twenty years to show itself. Why should I be further limited in a video game for a genetic complication?
It really depends on the game. I'm sorry to hear about your injury which I don't think could be very fun to deal with anyways. But the magic of a game like this is that Kinect would only be a optional sort of deal, like how PlayStation Move is compatible with Killzone 3 and Heavy Rain, but not required.
Another factor which I failed to consider before is that Skyrim is a multiplatform title. You might be able to get away with it if it has console exclusivity (a single console + PC), but integrating Kinect leaves Playstation players lacking features unless you also want to code in Move support. At that point it seems unnecessary when you can simply utilize the default controllers, in which PS3 and 360 really have equivalent layouts.