Dan Vávra (the mastermind behind Mafia) is involved. Instant buy.
Also the fact that it seems to be majorly inspired by the Hussite wars era.
Insta-backed. But https://twitter.com/DanielVavra/status/426022366037037056 "We can't fund it, it won't sell, but here, take my money 'cause I really wanna play it."
I'm sure this all looks great on paper, and in concept. However I feel they're too small to be taking on something this big. Without the experience. I would like if in a hypothetical fancy land any kickstarter I seen would be an automatic 10/10 success if I invest in it, but I can't see returns. Not because they lack passion or vision. They lack experience, and funds for something like this. Cryengine is notoriously difficult to work in on a few things. I've seen a development team brought to heel by it despite the fact that they have people with "cry engine experience".
On top of those criticisms I doubt they will get the kind of cash they need for something this big. Cryengine is not cheap and intensely labor expensive. So they are going to need a ton of cash. I can't see this game being made and being any good for less than 5 million. Maybe they can get a single "act" done for a million or two, but they would need to compromise their vision. I'm looking at how fast the funding is coming in, and I'm seeing not enough. If they can raise at least a 3 million my fears will be alleviated on this issue. A big if. If they can hit two million before deadline I might consider throwing in a small donation.
The demo in the video alone was 1.5 million dollars!!! Do people honestly think this is going to get anywhere near as much money as it needs? This "mysterious funder" is also a complication. Depending on terms he could be just as bad as any large group of investors if he feels his money isn't being used properly. This investor is putting in an undisclosed amount of money. Which is really strange, I want to know as a fellow would be investor who else is pitching in. I don't need names (unless its shady person). Even then if something goes bad for this one singular investor and he can't give us the money what is this game going to do? On top of that some games have been asked to be funded by a publisher and then do a kickstarter to foot some of the bills for the publisher despite already having all the funding it needs. Granted the games asked to do this said no, but these slime balls are still out there.
This would leave them with a medicore 500k. Which would pay for a third of the demo if your lucky. There are always delays which add to the cost of development and there are unexpected problems that cost money to fix.
I would classify this as moderate-high risk though. Feel free to toss your money at it, but this doesn't have the Gamgee stamp of approval. The game looks so good too. On paper and in demo. So it makes me kind of sad I need to have such a critical eye for it. I'm just not sold.
Their 300,000 pound goal doesn't add up to the minimum 500k that they needed either. They would be short a few thousand of the investors goal. Why would they do this? I've just got a bad feeling about this one. I didn't even properly touch on their lack of experience with this sort of thing.
Want to know why I've had the majority of my crowd source funding games turn out great? I'm not afraid to ask the hard questions. Get the information I need to see if the game in question is worth investing in. I don't treat it like a pre-order for a game years down the line because life doesn't work that way. I look at it like a mini investment.
That sounds amazing! If I had the money, I'd back this in a heart beat.
5 million for the whole game? That still seems very low... incredibly low. Your average game costs about.... 20-30 million to make. A little over half of that is for marketing. So they need 9-14 million to be on par with a regular game. I'm just not seeing it. Though at least the news of who the investor is makes me a little easier. Still I have no idea of the specifics of the agreement. If all of that money will go into the games development or if he expects some of it to go into marketing.
If their kickstarter hits 2 million I'll donate, but I'm still classifying it as moderate-high risk. Still at that amount of money raised at lease it attains the minimum of plausibility I see for them doing this. It would be an approximate 7 million raised with the investors help then which is as close as I expect them to get. At the rate they're going its plausible.
However if I do donate I do recognize the risk of the donation and have a lower expectation of return. There have been almost as many KS failures and controversies as there has been successes. Thankfully I've greatly ignored the "average" of 50/50 bad/good line and have around... 76% success rate in backing a game. If they can hit 2 million there is a real chance that this game will get made. If they can't even hit a million though then there is little reasons to give them money.
Remember kids, Crysis and The Witcher 2 only cost around $8M a piece.
Corporate waste and marketing campaigns cost money. Consoles cost money (putting TW2 on 360 changed the budget from $7M to $15M - but includes all other post-launch support).
Making a great PC game without a ridiculous marketing campaign is (relatively) cheap. Great things are possible once you get rid of consoles and ridiculous marketing budgets. That's why Natural Selection 2 and Shadow Warrior get to look and run better than first-party PS4 exclusives.
And it's funded. Just 36 hours to raise $500k, not bad at all. Stretch goals will be announced tomorrow.
That looks very interesting. I have a weak spot for the middle ages so I'll definitely keep an eye on this project.
Those guys need to give backers a paypal option as soon as possible. I don't like supporting kickstarter, but for now, I'm all in on the Baron level.
Yes if they don't add paypal I can't donate at all even if they get to 2 million. Which they have a real chance of doing.
Also Jack nothing wrong with KS, but you have to look at it like a business investor. Thinking of it as simply a preorder is not the way to do it. Ask yourself... can I afford to lose this money and potentially never get it back or what I gave them the money for? If not then you shouldn't be donating. If yes and you like the concept and are willing to take the risk then go for it. Also I only ranked this game moderate-high. Once it hits 2 million it would be enough to drop it down to moderate-low risk. Their biggest issue is the funding they need. The next is their team doesn't have as much experience in this specific kind of rpg development as I would like.Their most notable thing seems to be people with Mafia experience, which is alright. Just not groundbreaking by any means.
Only concern for me is the multiplatform issue. Otherwise, I applaud the approach they are taking.
I missed the KS for this, but the game is on my wishlist on Steam. It looks amazing.
I really want to pledge to this but my wife gets mad when I back things on KS now. Especially since I haven't received anything from any of them yet. Well, except for The Banner Saga and the Wasteland 2 Beta...
Kingdom Come looks very good. good graphics, mature fantasy, choices, detailed and realistic cities (from what i've seen in the trailer) large battles, LOTS of swords. and read lots of other stuff that got my attention, if it turns out well then it'll be the ideal game for me. however im not a big fan of the name.
It's tied to the whole Heaven Kingdom premise from the religious texts. And sice it seems to take place during the bohemian Hussite Wars (pretty much the proto-protestants), I think it fits very well. However, the 'Deliverance' part is somewhat unnecessary, I agree.
Also, stretch goals are in. https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/assets/001/560/314/de809e75ab7021140ea93c99a90293ce_large.png?1390600389 and we get a female charater.
EDIT: And more https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1294225970/kingdom-come-deliverance/posts! This game deserves its own topic, no?
But only for the prologue. She shows up, saves the hero and goes on her merry way. Not the sort of compromise I imagined, but okay.
Well, for me it's better than nothing (sorta like the Catwoman intermezzo in Arkham City).
I respect and applaud their decision for sticking to the original idea, but still trying to appeal to the other players as well. Somewhat.
True, but I think this is as much as they can do, since they seem to be sticking to the whole "realism or bust" mantra. So no plausible warrior women storyline..
Well, unless you want to play a peasant woman who's only combat role consists of beating knights to death with some farming equipment. While standing on top of a Wagenburg (pretty much the general involvement of the female combatants in the Hussite wars from what I've read).
10/10, would buy. Suicidal runs with a pitchfork in hands sound very enjoyable and relaxing.
Not gonna lie. I actually find your enthusiasm... intriguing. That's the spirit! Maybe Dan will find this idea intriguing as well.