So, I recently cleared kingsport lighthouse and was very excited to move in. I promptly built my base over a period of an hour and a half or so, and then picked up the bodies from the enemies that were there and put them in one of a couple spots (not realizing their presence could potentially be anything other than an eye sore).
Right now I only have 4 people there, all of whom are companions, and while they walk around I'll hear them say things like "does anyone smell that?", and "is that from the ocean, or did I just walk into a crime scene?". That kind of stuff, all hinting that they are troubled by the smell of a dead body. So I imediately ran around my base thinking I'll just have to drag the bodies farther away, but they're all gone, they seem to have just dissappeared.
I'm trying to figure out if there is anything I can do, I can't find any bodies to remove and I am on xbox one, so I don't believe I can use any of the code type stuff the PC guys can. IS there anything I can do? I'm looking for ideas here.