Kitpieces not rendering ingame, but fine in GECK

Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 3:18 pm

Hi all,

cant seem to fathom why, but for some reason, a selection of kitpieces I've just duplicated and moved about don't want to render ingame. They show up fine in GECK, but in game? Nope. The door leading into the room with said kitpieces appears as a black 'void', and when you enter, you're treated to a bizarre rendition of unrendered kitpieces. Funnily enough, the buttress meshes, the terminal and a far-side door all render.

This also occurs with a chunk of the kitpiece placed on a lower level that I simply budged around slightly.

Any theories?


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Emily abigail Villarreal
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Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 9:30 am

Did you copy this cell from an original one, or make it from scratch? I'm thinking that perhaps you left some roombounds and portals in your level, which are hiding things and messing it all up. Click View on the top toolbar, then Show/Hide and you can check to show Roombounds and portals, and then delete them. I'm not sure what else could be the cause...

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Rhysa Hughes
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