Which one I think? Argonanian because they're cold-blooded and Skyrim would tend to be fairly wet, what with all the snow around. Plus, I cannot imagine a cat wanting to endure the cold for the life of me.
Hope/Prefer? Couldn't care less, tbh. Hate 'em both.

You don’t want to be coldblooded in cold weather. If you are coldblooded you don’t produce heat except then you work hard so if you sleep, stand guard or just sit still you would might be so cold you are unable to move or at best get a drain speed 500 effect.
This is a bad thing if you get attacked by a bear.
Only benefit of being coldblooded is that you require far less food. Danger is that you easy become it. Is it lore that Argonian is cold blooded?
Stupid lizards, Khajiit jump up and kill bear, eat the meat and skin it wear skin to keep warm
Khajiit has no problem with cold, have fur and can wear clothes so we should manage better. Yes we prefer warmer areas as any intelligent species, but can work in cold ones if the loot or profit is good. Might want some clothing on their tail as it look cold, but this apply to Argonian to.