I am having a really annoying issue with a Klaxon light. I need to figure this out quickly as I am trying to get some footage for a trailer, but with this problem it just looks horrible. There are two klaxons in the room, on opposite sides. And the room is symetrical. However, one klaxon looks fine, the other doesnt want to cast its light on the two corner roof pieces.
Here are two pictures, one of the problem area, and one of the IDENTICAL area on the opposite side of the room where the problem doesnt occur.
Problem - http://i885.photobucket.com/albums/ac56/Gunmaster95/KlaxonProblem.png
No Problem - http://i885.photobucket.com/albums/ac56/Gunmaster95/NoKlaxonProblem.png
I have tried delete and replacing the klaxon light source, I have tried doing the same with the roof pieces. No matter what, the two tiny corner squares refuse to have the animated klaxon light cast on them properly... Also, the two roof squares are JUST those pieces. The room has a very unique shape so none of it is the large one piece corner-piece type thing. Can anyone help with this? I'll keep trying stuff but it would ideal for me to find an answer within the hour.
Thanks for any help!
AJ Velicky