I've never got that far into Oblivion as I'm more of a Morrowind man myself, so a hack and slash class seemed best to see a large amount of the game in a short space of time. It seems catered to playing a character with a high health because of the level scaling too. In fact, I think I'd really struggle to play a character that doesn't have Block, Heavy Armour and Armourer for the Endurance modifiers. So I'm going to have Heavy Armour this time around, rather than Light. Armourer I kept as a secondary skill last time, as it advanced quick enough. Does anyone else have this issue with Endurance? Or do you all just play leet Mages?

This time around I'm thinking of trying a Knight, who will wield a double handed sword like my last. So he'll probably have Block and Blade and maybe Marksman from my last build. I ended up toying with a little Restoration last time around, so I'll add that too to make him some kind of Holy Warrior. Heavy Armour is a given. I don't want to add Security, but I'm going to need some way of getting into all those locked chests. I'm a little stuck there I guess...
So my build so far is something like - Block, Blade, Marksman, Restoration and Heavy armour. I guess I'll pick Strength and Endurance for my Favored Attributes.
What do people suggest for my last two skills? Any recommendations for Star Signs? Any other thoughts or advice?
P.S. I'm on Xbox, so no chance of any mods.