I want to make a knight build, because so far I've been a pure mage. Should i do 2 handed, 1 hand + shield, or 1 hand + spell. I will use heavy armor. I will also want to use at least 1 spell type, but don't know which would fit with a knight.
Anyone here playing as a knight, post your main skills, and any tips, please Thank you
I have been playing a thief/archer/illusionist, but I think an Imperial would make a nice knight. You got to take a shield, after all you are not a barbarian. Restoration would be nice, similar to the good old DnD Paladin.
I have been playing a thief/archer/illusionist, but I think an Imperial would make a nice knight. You got to take a shield, after all you are not a barbarian. Restoration would be nice, similar to the good old DnD Paladin.
This is pretty much the build I'm using (Imperial + Shield + One Hnad). I dabble in resto when I need it and have also upped my archery for ranged attacks.
I think primary 2 hander with a 1 hander and restoration spells as your backup would fit best for a knight, maybe with a backup shield too for archers.
Level up Heavy Armor, Block, Two Handed, Restoration, probably Smithing too, a little bit of One Handed but not too much, you probably don't want to use it too much
Or I guess skip the Two handed and use Sword and Shield most of the time with Healing as needed.
Simple yet satisfying. I play on Master and am levle 30. So far the game has been very challenging but in a very fun way. Fighting 2-3 opponents with block and shouts adds quite a bit of stratgical thinking. Often I have to lure the melee out of r ange of the caster or rush in and take the casters out first.