In regards to college, wouldnt it be cheaper to have a gaming pc?
You need a pc for college work anyway, myaswell make it a good one for an extra hundred extra $, instead of spending the $300 for a seperate console that cant do anything else.
Actually its better to have a console for college since people are always wanting to hang out.
I only have a PC but I am trying to get money for a PS3 cus I don't want to be stuck playing CoD at my friend's room all the time(since that is ALL they play). My room/console, my rules

All my friends have pc's and we talk via steam/VoIP. All sitting around playing a game is a bit meh, if we want to hang out, we'll go somewhere with all that money we save on not having a console.
Then again, isn't us 'college' all fraternities and **** like that? In the UK we actually live in houses in actual cities ect. after first year, So we live more like real people, not livestock.

We live in two-person rooms in dorms until we decide to go rent a house(Junior or Senior year).
IDK. NONE of my friends own a gaming PC and we all prefer the company of each other so we go to each-others dorms and either watch football/basketball, watch TV, watch a movie, or play games. We hang out outside dorms too of course but here consoles are considered the main gaming device.