Knock Knock, Crytek. Our Community and the Demo Dilemma

Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:26 pm

In regards to college, wouldnt it be cheaper to have a gaming pc?

You need a pc for college work anyway, myaswell make it a good one for an extra hundred extra $, instead of spending the $300 for a seperate console that cant do anything else.

Actually its better to have a console for college since people are always wanting to hang out.

Better but not cheaper :/

And again - the the entire lack of information that's bugging the PC fans, not just an exclusive mp demo.
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Jade Payton
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:19 pm

Ya. I know its not cheaper. Which is one reason why I prefer PC. I'm just saying that unless you want to sit in your dorm room all day playing by yourself or if you want to go to other people's rooms and play what they want(90% of the time it will be CoD) then consoles are the better choice for college.

I think that we should all wait till at least a month before the release. If there is no interesting info or if the game appears that its gonna svck for PC and PS3, then you can pass judgement. But its just way too early right now.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:31 pm

In regards to college, wouldnt it be cheaper to have a gaming pc?

You need a pc for college work anyway, myaswell make it a good one for an extra hundred extra $, instead of spending the $300 for a seperate console that cant do anything else.

Actually its better to have a console for college since people are always wanting to hang out.

I only have a PC but I am trying to get money for a PS3 cus I don't want to be stuck playing CoD at my friend's room all the time(since that is ALL they play). My room/console, my rules :)

All my friends have pc's and we talk via steam/VoIP. All sitting around playing a game is a bit meh, if we want to hang out, we'll go somewhere with all that money we save on not having a console.

Then again, isn't us 'college' all fraternities and **** like that? In the UK we actually live in houses in actual cities ect. after first year, So we live more like real people, not livestock. :D
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 4:25 pm

Ya. I know its not cheaper. Which is one reason why I prefer PC. I'm just saying that unless you want to sit in your dorm room all day playing by yourself or if you want to go to other people's rooms and play what they want(90% of the time it will be CoD) then consoles are the better choice for college.

I think that we should all wait till at least a month before the release. If there is no interesting info or if the game appears that its gonna svck for PC and PS3, then you can pass judgement. But its just way too early right now.

If we wait a month until release then we will never get a demo chance like this... I think that now is the perfect time to show our dissatisfaction while Crytek still has a chance to fix this. A month before release Crytek will not be able to do anything to fix our issues.

Keep it coming guys!
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jason worrell
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 4:46 pm

Well, maybe a PS3 beta would be good, after all it is the hardest to develop for right? It would be nice to see what they've done with the hardware. Anyways, I dont really have a preference, PS3 or PC, if they ever get a beta....
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 4:57 pm

In regards to college, wouldnt it be cheaper to have a gaming pc?

You need a pc for college work anyway, myaswell make it a good one for an extra hundred extra $, instead of spending the $300 for a seperate console that cant do anything else.

Actually its better to have a console for college since people are always wanting to hang out.

I only have a PC but I am trying to get money for a PS3 cus I don't want to be stuck playing CoD at my friend's room all the time(since that is ALL they play). My room/console, my rules :)

All my friends have pc's and we talk via steam/VoIP. All sitting around playing a game is a bit meh, if we want to hang out, we'll go somewhere with all that money we save on not having a console.

Then again, isn't us 'college' all fraternities and **** like that? In the UK we actually live in houses in actual cities ect. after first year, So we live more like real people, not livestock. :D

We live in two-person rooms in dorms until we decide to go rent a house(Junior or Senior year).
IDK. NONE of my friends own a gaming PC and we all prefer the company of each other so we go to each-others dorms and either watch football/basketball, watch TV, watch a movie, or play games. We hang out outside dorms too of course but here consoles are considered the main gaming device.
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Reanan-Marie Olsen
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:42 pm

I was extremely frustrated the other day, when I read this news. I chilled down and stopped caring. I started to read this thread and BAM out came the frustration.... I don't think this is going to chill down anytime soon.
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Harry-James Payne
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:45 pm

Ive worked at a gaming company and 2 months isn't a lot of time. It can take a week to fix a small bug, and I remember a bug that we tried to replicate for three weeks, didn't get it, thought it was fixed, and then it popped up 2 days later. The gaming industry is unpredictable, especially for developers. All changes that don't get in by mid-late february probably won't happen. So I'm guessing they are already done or about 98% finished with both ps3 and PC versions of the game. So no worries about ps3 and pc versions suffering too much.
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Kevin S
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:29 pm

Ive worked at a gaming company and 2 months isn't a lot of time. It can take a week to fix a small bug, and I remember a bug that we tried to replicate for three weeks, didn't get it, thought it was fixed, and then it popped up 2 days later. The gaming industry is unpredictable, especially for developers. All changes that don't get in by mid-late february probably won't happen. So I'm guessing they are already done or about 98% finished with both ps3 and PC versions of the game. So no worries about ps3 and pc versions suffering too much.

The need for Pc and Ps3 demo/platform is far more well sought for than ever before. The recent exclusive xbox 360 demo fiasco is something that most of us will never forget. It was one of the most dramatic events in the history of Crysis 2 and Crytek for generations to come. Yet the struggle for a Pc and Ps3 demo will not end here, the fate that we have now is only a temporary setback. I still have faith in Crytek, but it's shaking. The once great Crysis that changed Hd gaming will return again to the Pc powers and share its power with the ps3 & consoles alike.
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David John Hunter
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:19 pm

Why are you guys upset over a exclusive demo? PC gamers already have a version of the game that dominates in graphics already and the PS3 version better than the xbox 360 version by a bit. What more do you want? Crytek has worked so much. The 360 version is the weakest of all of them but not by far. There probably giving them the demo or BETA because there version is inferior to the PC and PS3. Lets not get so upset for a demo or beta that's exclusive to Xbox.
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Chica Cheve
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:37 am

I think that Crytek is going to pull a BC2 on us. I think they are still going to release the PC and PS3 demos after xbox.

Would they have time to release PS3 first then PC after? Cus that would seem like what they would do(Maybe a new map for each platform? One could only hope :) ).
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Alexandra Ryan
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:49 pm

speak brotha! still have my fingers crossed!
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KiiSsez jdgaf Benzler
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:36 am

Why are you guys upset over a exclusive demo? PC gamers already have a version of the game that dominates in graphics already and the PS3 version better than the xbox 360 version by a bit. What more do you want? Crytek has worked so much. The 360 version is the weakest of all of them but not by far. There probably giving them the demo or BETA because there version is inferior to the PC and PS3. Lets not get so upset for a demo or beta that's exclusive to Xbox.

Did you bother to read the OP? "READ FIRST!" is not in the title for **** and giggles.

We are upset about this more because of a complete animosity of marketing towards the PC or PS3, while all of it has been directed towards the Xbox360. The PC/PS3 has not seen a single screenshot, a single second of video footage, a beta, and now even a demo, while the Xbox360 has seen all of these things. All of these things combined is why the multiplatform community is angered right now. The new demo is just what set off the explosion of frustration, and now it is our time to take a stand on things we should have seen/had months ago.

Also guys, try to stay ontopic, it has been mostly ontopic so far but this is me asking beforehand to keep on track as it seems to be getting slightly derailed. Keep the opinions coming guys, and let our voices be heard!

BC2 had an open beta for the Xbox360/PS3 in September for goodness sakes, with an open PC beta in January, while the game released in the same month that Crysis 2 is now. Anything that is being released demo wise, needs to be pushed for now while the topic is still hot.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 4:44 pm

I like how the poll results add up to 99%.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:36 am

If Crysis 2 is being touted has the Halo killer,why in ****'s name would Microsoft pay money to EA/Crytek to 1UP them .Crytek are releasing the demo on the Xbox(even if its for JUST 10 DAYS) to show that even a weak platform can handle the sheer awesomeness of Crysis 2.But,it still boggles my mind to the extent has to why the demo wasnt for all the platforms.I truly believe Crytek must have had a really darn good reason for not releasing it for all the platforms.Maybe they are planning something special for PC/PS3.There is still time for a singleplayer demo though,so all we can do is HOPE.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:56 am

If Crysis 2 is being touted has the Halo killer,why in ****'s name would Microsoft pay money to EA/Crytek to 1UP them .Crytek are releasing the demo on the Xbox(even if its for JUST 10 DAYS) to show that even a weak platform can handle the sheer awesomeness of Crysis 2.But,it still boggles my mind to the extent has to why the demo wasnt for all the platforms.I truly believe Crytek must have had a really darn good reason for not releasing it for all the platforms.Maybe they are planning something special for PC/PS3.There is still time for a singleplayer demo though,so all we can do is HOPE.
See what came out of Obamas' "HOPE" quote?
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:47 pm

hope and struggle for a demo on all platforms since they seem to not have understood that the first time (or better, the second time)
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 4:54 pm

You know that the pirating is easyer to xbox360 and ps3 i think , than the PC ?

Ubisoft find a way to stop that , so no one can crack it, what about xbox360 , well
they find the game to a site , they burn it to a Disc with a burning program and they done

You, sir, have no idea what you're talking about. Ubisoft's horrible "always online" DRM was cracked within days.

hahaha just look the Tom Clancys Hawx 2 ! IS NOT CRACKED YET ! also the ysay that is imposible to crack it ! hahaha Ubisoft Powned the crackers
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Amanda Furtado
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:39 pm

Crytek, WHAT THE F*CK is wrong with you? You've released beta AND demo for the Xbox 360 now, but only for the Xbox 360. HELLO??? I don't remember seeing that this is an Xbox 360 exclusive game, if you want any good sales on PC and PS3 platforms, you'd better get busy and give PC and PS3 players more info and the demo.

Remember that Crysis started out as a PC game, it was the PC players that made Crysis famous, and now you just ignore us, is this how you treat old friends now?

I don't see any logic in your doings neither, why would you release so much info, footage, beta, and even demo now for the WEAKEST platform of all??? Don't you want to show off how beautiful the game will look when it's played in DX11 on a modern graphics card that costs more than any of the consoles? If I was trying to market and sell a game, I would show the audience the pretty side of the product, and the Xbox 360 side of Crysis 2, I gurantee you, is the least pretty side Crysis 2.

They dont gie a **** on what you saying about , the ydont count us ! all this videos and **** they Got are to get our trust

Here wat crytek and ea thinks : Hey demo on xbox360 ? yeah , what about pc ?
Who cares about that, we get money from MS ? Yes , then screw the other Peoples
yeah **** them let them cry !

Here wat we say : Pls Crytek dont forget us ! we support you ! we are a family !
We are together ! we share things together ! pls dont forget PC and PS3

Crytek and ea answers : hey who are those losers ! yeah wha tthe ywant ... aaa **** them
keep getting money from MS yeah !

IS ALL ABOUT BUSSINES xD so stop saying psl pls and psl ! they dont give a **** about what we say !
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Miranda Taylor
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:47 am

I didnt even pre-ordered it yet and im not going to until i get a PC beta, information about SDK, DX11 and real PC footage. just like talon im tired of getting kicked in the balls by crytek/EA. ive been here since day one of crysis and im sick of crytek making promises they dont keep, just to name a few recent:

1: beta signups at release, lots of people registered here cause crytek promised acces to beta for early sign ups. shortly after: nothing heard about it, no beta. THATS JUST PLAIN OUT LYING TO YOUR CUSTOMERS, i dont know were crytek got the balls for that but thats just mismanagment and a way to turn a community against u. gj crytek
2: early beta for 360 only: another kick in the balls but understandable cause the xbox is just the weakest platform, done.
3: promise of monthly C2TV, just a fail and they better not have made that at all cause so fat it has only been recycled information and the last episode was like 3 months ago
4": MP beta for xbox only: do i need to say more?

and thats just misinformation, lying, mad managment and forgetting ur community regarding crysis 2. dont even let me start about crysis and CW im sure talon has something more to say on that.

If crytek doesnt fix themselfs soon i wont buy this game, why should i? support will probably be dropped after 2 patches and maybe 1DLC, just like with crysis wars and even worse with crysis.
I better spend that money on bulletstorm(which is marketed the living **** out of recently) Homefront, portal 2 and Shift 2, ive got only so much money so why buy i game of a lying company with most likely, **** support post launch.

regards toaster

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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:42 pm

I didnt even pre-ordered it yet and im not going to until i get a PC beta, information about SDK, DX11 and real PC footage. just like talon im tired of getting kicked in the balls by crytek/EA. ive been here since day one of crysis and im sick of crytek making promises they dont keep, just to name a few recent:

1: beta signups at release, lots of people registered here cause crytek promised acces to beta for early sign ups. shortly after: nothing heard about it, no beta. THATS JUST PLAIN OUT LYING TO YOUR CUSTOMERS, i dont know were crytek got the balls for that but thats just mismanagment and a way to turn a community against u. gj crytek
2: early beta for 360 only: another kick in the balls but understandable cause the xbox is just the weakest platform, done.
3: promise of monthly C2TV, just a fail and they better not have made that at all cause so fat it has only been recycled information and the last episode was like 3 months ago
4": MP beta for xbox only: do i need to say more?

and thats just misinformation, lying, mad managment and forgetting ur community regarding crysis 2. dont even let me start about crysis and CW im sure talon has something more to say on that.

If crytek doesnt fix themselfs soon i wont buy this game, why should i? support will probably be dropped after 2 patches and maybe 1DLC, just like with crysis wars and even worse with crysis.
I better spend that money on bulletstorm(which is marketed the living **** out of recently) Homefront, portal 2 and Shift 2, ive got only so much money so why buy i game of a lying company with most likely, **** support post launch.

Have fun svcking EA's and MS dike crytek and focus on your simulation and engine bussnisses cause you obviously svck at making good, supported games and maintaining a community. you seem to forget that in the end your customers(especially consoles) will finish u off on your mistakes

regards toaster

Haha Tostie, very well said. Crytek has been doing this **** before Crysis 2 was even announced. I am not going to into detail, but those of you that played Crysis and Crysis Wars know about the promised support that never came. Crytek has yet to prove or say anything about supporting Crysis 2 with long term patching.

With regards to the demo, the other platforms will not be getting one unless we fight for it and let our voices be heard with our dissatisfaction until this gets resolved. I know how Crytek operates, they do not get anything done for the community unless you fight tooth and nail for it for however long it takes to get the situation fixed. Hoping for this will not work, it will be a long and dirty struggle to most likely even get any word out of these Crytek reps mouths, which have been watching on silently towards threads like these. How many pages of this do we need before Crytek decides to take notice?

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Javier Borjas
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:47 pm

haha talon that remembers me of the Knock Knock thread
u should rename thise thread to that, im sure the shivvers will go down their spins, god what a drama that thread caused during the old gamesas.

just a not to u guys, take it easy on Tom and Lee when they respond, they are not responsible for this but just spokesman
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Sun of Sammy
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:25 pm

Yeah, I just renamed this thread to something more appropriate and eye catching.

Keep up the support guys!
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Chloe Lou
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:22 pm

Yeah, I just renamed this thread to something more appropriate and eye catching.

Keep up the support guys!
Bwahahahaha, brilliant. Let's hope this Knock Knock thread (what is this, the seventh one? the eighth?) actually gets dealt with, and we don't just have the same old lies and evasions.
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Alessandra Botham
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:40 pm

Yeah, I just renamed this thread to something more appropriate and eye catching.

Keep up the support guys!
You guys will not really get heard until monday. Everyone at EA and Crytek is sitting back at home doing weekend ****.

I am getting it only for the xbox but again I see where you PC gamers, as a community, are coming from.

Especially the promised Beta. I signed up with the first wave and didnt get in while a kid who just signed in got in. Also the fact that it only benefits Xbox users is wrong. Maybe its just a move to make the Xbox version the superior Console version but so far the lack of PC footage and screenshots show that maybe the PR team are waiting too long.

GDC 2011 is when they will show off the game, MP and all but thats too far. Thats in late Feb and early March when the game comes out late March!

Hope you guys get heard.
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