Knock Knock, Crytek. Our Community and the Demo Dilemma

Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:57 pm

Thanks, I fixed that.

Thank you for getting this taken care of Tom, I appreciate it. :)

Keep the ideas/comments/concerns coming guys!
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Megan Stabler
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:00 pm

Well maybe they could have done things systematically. For example, in one month they could release/display something Xbox related, next month PC, then PS3 (any order). Maybe by doing things this way everyone would have had something to look forward to, and maybe everyone would be a little more satisfied. Even if they still intended to show off a little more with the Xbox version (as they have done, pre-alpha, demo etc), basic things including screens and bits of footage for the other versions would have been a great idea. It may be a little too late now, but what can ya do :/
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Holli Dillon
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:43 am

Could you at least throw us a bone or something? As far as we can tell you took Nvidia's money and ran. Can we have some proof that there's actually going to be a decent PC version? Please?

6v6 multiplayer, maps designed around that limitation, an xbox exclusive beta and demo and absolutely no word what so ever about any sort of features for your PC customers? I hope microsoft's money makes up for the rest of the community you've ignored completely.

Excuse my french, but what the **** crytek give us SOMETHING.
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Valerie Marie
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:30 pm

lol "MAXIMUMdisappoint"
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Jordan Moreno
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:24 pm

lol "MAXIMUMdisappoint"

Seemed fitting considering it looks like they just don't care about the majority of their potential buyers if you include PS3, which has been equally ignored.
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aisha jamil
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:51 pm

i think major question that has to be answered
is when will we see PC FOOOTAGE
dont see the harm by crytek saying in 2days or 2months
so please tom get us a answer :D
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Jennifer May
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:12 pm

Yeah, I just renamed this thread to something more appropriate and eye catching.

Keep up the support guys!
You guys will not really get heard until monday. Everyone at EA and Crytek is sitting back at home doing weekend ****.

I am getting it only for the xbox but again I see where you PC gamers, as a community, are coming from.

Especially the promised Beta. I signed up with the first wave and didnt get in while a kid who just signed in got in. Also the fact that it only benefits Xbox users is wrong. Maybe its just a move to make the Xbox version the superior Console version but so far the lack of PC footage and screenshots show that maybe the PR team are waiting too long.

GDC 2011 is when they will show off the game, MP and all but thats too far. Thats in late Feb and early March when the game comes out late March!

Hope you guys get heard.

I can tell you that there are people from crytek looking at the forums, this close to release date they will have people working on the weekend to make sure everything gets finished.

One more thing, this isn't the only site that is raging, if you look at the facebook comments and community websites, they are all just as unhappy as us.
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Vicki Gunn
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:32 am

I can tell you that there are people from crytek looking at the forums, this close to release date they will have people working on the weekend to make sure everything gets finished.

The game has most likely been finished for a while now. This is the period for marketing and building up hype.
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Stat Wrecker
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:36 pm

Honestly I thought things weren't that bad for PC users. Then I went onto the forums of a different game thats coming out around the same time as Crysis 2 and they posted the system requirements 3 months ago. jeez.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:05 pm

Honestly I thought things weren't that bad for PC users. Then I went onto the forums of a different game thats coming out around the same time as Crysis 2 and they posted the system requirements 3 months ago. jeez.

Really? Dear lord, that's pretty bad. Most we've heard is that 'Crysis 2 will be less demanding than the first' but I don't know if going off their word is smart right now.
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Laura Samson
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:45 pm

Honestly I thought things weren't that bad for PC users.

Where have you been for the last five years? @_@
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:39 am

It's like CoD MW2 all over again! Consoles get everything they want PC gets... nothing.
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Red Sauce
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:51 pm

I am not worried about the 6vs6 player limit. Making different maps and gameplay between consoles/PC for the same game is not a reasonable option. Anyway, PC Mods should fix it. About demos and betas, it's just unfinished stuff, and it's an extra that not many game companies do. Ironically, there wouldn't be any discussion if no demo or beta were released.

It's very likely that Crytek accepted to make exclusive demos/betas for the 360 INSTEAD of releasing a timed exclusive full game, like Assassin's creed Brotherhood and Dead Money addon for Fallout: New Vegas.
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Cheville Thompson
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:44 am

It's like CoD MW2 all over again! Consoles get everything they want PC gets... nothing.

That's because the consoles take less effort to make a game for due to restricted controls and hardware. PC's mean the developers can actually push boundaries, boundaries many just don't like to push because it's not 'safe'.
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lucy chadwick
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 4:02 pm

It's like CoD MW2 all over again! Consoles get everything they want PC gets... nothing.

That's because the consoles take less effort to make a game for due to restricted controls and hardware. PC's mean the developers can actually push boundaries, boundaries many just don't like to push because it's not 'safe'.

Actually, consoles take more effort if you want to produce good results. Lazy developers exploit this by releasing unoptimized console ports to the PC and think "hey, those PC users have much more powerful hardware, they can run it!" Although that is sometimes true, it leads to problems and makes people upgrade to higher hardware than what the game actually needs.
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Chad Holloway
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:09 am

That is true, but even on consoles most don't really produce quality graphics (for the console standard). Look at cod. it's never attempted to run better than at 1024x640 on consoles due to laziness.
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barbara belmonte
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:49 pm

I agree with the OP...and his screen name. I'm getting to the point where I feel like an idiot because I saved up my well earned money and bought very nice components to build a Sandy Bridge rig with GTX 580x2 with Crysis 2 in mind, nothing else. Now its 57 days until the U.S. release and we still have no system requirements which I know mine will be fine but what about everyone else?? I'd still like something on paper you know! Not to mention Xbox gets two betas?!?!?! What about PS3 and PC? I think we would like to know how it ran for PC users on their rig to get some benchmarks and buy some components if necessary and PS3 users to know how it felt and what it looked like on their TV's...cause thats the only benchmark they have :P But still its pretty much blasphemy downright RUDE.

In my opinion PC users made Crytek. Yes they develop great engines and fantastic games but we bought them and made them popular. If Crysis sold 100,000 copies would there be a Crysis 2? NO! They would've ignored it completely and developed another ip. So to completely deny us of information is like saying **** you to the community and I'm not happy like a lot of people. I'll admit I was angry the other day and I cancelled my pre-order. Doesn't mean I'm not going to buy it but it's not going to be a day 1 buy for me I'll wait until either a price drop or I'm bored at home one day and by luck its on Steam. Until then Its Deus Ex, Killzone 3 and BFBC2.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:26 pm

It's not laziness. I'm not a COD apologist, but it's a compromise made so they can run 60fps on consoles. Any PC gamer should realize that there are compromises to be made for higher fps contingent on how powerful your system is -- among them graphical fidelity and resolution.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:22 am

But come on, 1024x640? It's just not worth it! It's not like the controllers have the 'twitch' ability of a kb+m!
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:43 pm

Lol. Crysis 2 work is most likely finished already which is why a demo is coming out.

I'm anxious to hear an answer Tom, I hope it isn't bs.

Thanks for the support, continue to discuss your opinions on crytek/ea marketing so far and what your opinion is of the Xbox360 getting nothing but exclusive everything for what is supposedly a multiplatform game.
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Ana Torrecilla Cabeza
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:52 am

I still have confidence that Crytek will pull the multiplatform trick successfully.I havent lost hope in them.They might have had a really good reason for not releasing the demo on PC/PS3.Maybe they might be planning something special for the PC/PS3 guys.I wanted to know whether C2 supports LAN gaming and does it support all the Windows OS(XP,Vista and Win7).I dont want it to go the Halo 2 way which only supported Vista.I dont think Mr.Yerli will be sitting idlly when the community is screaming out there lungs.Have a bit more faith on Crytek.
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ANaIs GRelot
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:52 am

I still have confidence that Crytek will pull the multiplatform trick successfully.I havent lost hope in them.They might have had a really good reason for not releasing the demo on PC/PS3.Maybe they might be planning something special for the PC/PS3 guys.I wanted to know whether C2 supports LAN gaming and does it support all the Windows OS(XP,Vista and Win7).I dont want it to go the Halo 2 way which only supported Vista.I dont think Mr.Yerli will be sitting idlly when the community is screaming out there lungs.Have a bit more faith on Crytek.

A good reason for not releasing a demo on the PC/PS3 versions? I can think of a couple reasons but they are negative.

It is absolutely inexcusable for the PC/PS3 to not have any footage, screenshots, betas, and demos while the Xbox360 has had all of these. A multiplatform game needs to be marketed like one.

I will have faith in Crytek if our questions actually get a legitimate answer and action. From several past experiences, getting a real answer from Crytek is like trying to force a dog to drink. I am really hoping that it does not work like that this time, but it is what I expect.
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Anthony Rand
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:27 am

Let us give them a bit more time.There is still 10 weeks for the game's release.But,yes I agree ,it boggles my mind to the extent has to why they havent released any info whatsoever for the PC/PS3 platforms.Its very unusual for a company of their reputation to be doing this.And one other thing ,have nay one of you managed to login to Crynet Systems website(
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Lance Vannortwick
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:01 pm

seriously another post on how you all have been rejected and how Crytek obviously dose not care about there fan base??? Once again I will put up the same response I have put up in other threads. Listen to yourself right now, You are saying that they are ignoring you by not giving you a demo... really they are horrible because they didn't give you the *Privilege* of having a demo. Not to throw all of the the PC gamers under the bus, but you all seem to be acting as if you are not even getting the game. You will get the full game just like the console gamers in what two months... are you all really that impatient? and another thing does it not make sense to give a demo to the consoles because they have not released a crysis game on the consoles yet. They have had crysis on the PC before so they know what to expect kinda, but this is new turf for them, and they want to test out what they have done. So PC gamers, not to be rude, but quit crying and wait for the full game to come out and im sure you will be just fine with it.
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Harry Leon
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:38 am

You are saying that they are ignoring you by not giving you a demo...

At least read our arguments before insulting us.
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