» Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:43 pm
This really is bad for the original supporters of crysis!! I don't know whether to Cancel my order or Say FU!!! one of them will happen!!!
1:Xbox 360 beta..
2:6vs6 multiplayer
3:Xbox 360 exclusive demo
4:Halo like jump around game play
5:prettier colors but less photorealism
6:they already have a relationship with M$
This is officailly a console game coming to PC!!
nothing to see here folks..
Wrong this is way different then halo. example: in halo jumping around makes u look like a complete moron unless your actually trying to do something and its basically saying shoot me plz.
in crysis i dont think ppl will jump unless its necessary. when u need to make a getaway or dodge. in fact the only game where halo jumping actually works and gets u kills is Cod(not sayin CoD is a bad game but it happens)
Really? All of the previews I just read today just compared this game to CoD, Halo, and said that the 6on6 multiplayer will be something you either "love or hate".
I am disappointed, Crytek. I thought you guys could atleast be a little bit more original, but you guys even cloned over prestiging...
Out of all the previews, this is the only thing I found as promising:
This wasn't the only issue I experienced; there's also a sense at times that the multiplayer sandboxes might be too much box and not enough player-sand for the max player count on consoles of 6-on-6. For team deathmatch (or team instant-action, as Crytek is calling it), this is fine enough, since players can only score when they encounter one another. But for objective type matches, like Crash Site (the Conquest style mode included in this week's demo), it takes what seems like forever to make it from your spawning point to the action when you die, which really kills the game's momentum. Of course, while precise PC player counts are still being finalized, I was able to cajole the word "more" out of Crysis 2's producer
Still waiting for news on when we will see some PC/PS3 marketing. Feel free to comment...
Just read that, so I'm still hopeful myself (even before reading it) but I'm most concerned about us ever getting any kind of demo at all, so I can try it to see if it runs and such before I buy the game.
You would think people would understand a demo being extremely important for PC sales in particular as not everyone knows if they can run it, and before someone mentions recommended requirements, I'm sure I can come up with TONS of games where said requirements are just dead wrong. GTA4 anyone?