Indee. It toke a beast of a PC to run that game, when it came out.
Now, not so much, but it still takes some serious hardware to run it with more than acceptable frames.
I have an i7 950, 6gb RAM and a GTX580. I installed the game a couple of months ago just to see how it would performe and in some areas I had like 90+ fps but in some areas it just wouldn't go higher than 40s.
And speaking of performance, it made me realize that, not so long ago, the developers had some trouble coding the games for the PS3, because it's SDK was complicated or something, i don't remember well... but they made it sound like they had to learn how to code again.
With that said, that "Live Create" thingy that Mr. Cevat talked about.. it's making less sense. Aren't the 3 platforms very different from each other? I mean the X360 has 3 processors with HT (Hyper Threading) tech or something, the PS3 has it's Cell processor with 8 logical cores and then the PC with one processor. (I will not say how many different types of processors and cores or I'd be here all night lol) not to mention the thousands of hardware combinations a PC can have.
With that difference alone, how do we really know if the game will run flawlessly with constant 60 fps for the consoles and lower or higher for the PC platform, depending on the hardware that'll be running on. So it's either one hell of an engine where they just need to input come kind of code and it will translate to conoles OR it still needs 3 different teams to handle each version which makes it false advertising.

Making me even more worried for the PC/PS3 versions
Plus, where's episode 4!?

I thought it was supposibly an episode each month, and you could have settled the community showing us an inside scoop of Crytek's office staff working on all the platforms, like your QA messing around with the X360, PS3 and PC versions. Then there would not be this much of a commotion, even with the exclusive MP demo for the "Xboxers".
ps: sry if the post is kind of confusing because it's 3 AM at the time of posting and my brain doesn't work so well at this time of hour.