Knock Knock, Crytek. Our Community and the Demo Dilemma

Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:32 pm

You would think people would understand a demo being extremely important for PC sales in particular as not everyone knows if they can run it, and before someone mentions recommended requirements, I'm sure I can come up with TONS of games where said requirements are just dead wrong. GTA4 anyone?

Indee. It toke a beast of a PC to run that game, when it came out.
Now, not so much, but it still takes some serious hardware to run it with more than acceptable frames.

I have an i7 950, 6gb RAM and a GTX580. I installed the game a couple of months ago just to see how it would performe and in some areas I had like 90+ fps but in some areas it just wouldn't go higher than 40s.

And speaking of performance, it made me realize that, not so long ago, the developers had some trouble coding the games for the PS3, because it's SDK was complicated or something, i don't remember well... but they made it sound like they had to learn how to code again.

With that said, that "Live Create" thingy that Mr. Cevat talked about.. it's making less sense. Aren't the 3 platforms very different from each other? I mean the X360 has 3 processors with HT (Hyper Threading) tech or something, the PS3 has it's Cell processor with 8 logical cores and then the PC with one processor. (I will not say how many different types of processors and cores or I'd be here all night lol) not to mention the thousands of hardware combinations a PC can have.

With that difference alone, how do we really know if the game will run flawlessly with constant 60 fps for the consoles and lower or higher for the PC platform, depending on the hardware that'll be running on. So it's either one hell of an engine where they just need to input come kind of code and it will translate to conoles OR it still needs 3 different teams to handle each version which makes it false advertising. :)
Making me even more worried for the PC/PS3 versions

Plus, where's episode 4!? :P
I thought it was supposibly an episode each month, and you could have settled the community showing us an inside scoop of Crytek's office staff working on all the platforms, like your QA messing around with the X360, PS3 and PC versions. Then there would not be this much of a commotion, even with the exclusive MP demo for the "Xboxers".

ps: sry if the post is kind of confusing because it's 3 AM at the time of posting and my brain doesn't work so well at this time of hour. :P
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:19 pm

Quit bichin & Get a 360 :D Easily Said T,T
Theres so much crap here, and then the 360 people get this!
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Khamaji Taylor
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:27 pm

Guys guys, calm down please!

We are all the same community, there is no need to hate on the Xbox360 owners, it's not like they made the decision for the poor marketing tactics.

Keep it civil please, hopefully we will recieve some answers soon, but in the meantime continue to discuss the state of Crysis 2 marketing/possibility of a bad port in a rational manner.

I know these are some emotional times for the forum, but if an Xbox360 user comes on here and brags about it, please do not take the flamebait.

Thank you and keep up the support as always,

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Chris Cross Cabaret Man
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:20 pm

Guys guys, calm down please!

We are all the same community, there is no need to hate on the Xbox360 owners, it's not like they made the decision for the poor marketing tactics.

Keep it civil please, hopefully we will recieve some answers soon, but in the meantime continue to discuss the state of Crysis 2 marketing/possibility of a bad port in a rational manner.

I know these are some emotional times for the forum, but if an Xbox360 user comes on here and brags about it, please do not take the flamebait.

Thank you and keep up the support as always,

You talk smart, but your dumb. Theres still no demo for us duh!
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:43 pm

Would you like Crytek to pull a demo out their ass with a magical fairy wand?

In the business world, things take time. Especially since Crytek and EA will need to cross communicate about this. Have some damned patience, you can't expect things to be fixed in a day or two... This will most likely take a week to a month before we see actual results (if any).
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:58 pm

Poor Marketing Status? What the...? Ofcourse Crytek Could Have made a Multiplayer beta For Gaystation 3 or The Almighty Windows Or Apple..but Seriously. The Entire Economy Is So Screwed Up. Let Crytek Do what they are Doing. I'm Sure its For a Good Reason, But Ofcourse, Unlike Every damn Company, Us Xbox 360 Owners will Pay the Price for Something That Crytek Will Release Later in the Future, Meaning...PC & PS3 Will get Something Exclusive While us Xbox 360 owners Will have to wait...A good Comparison..BFBC2...Like You Said Talon, a Rational manner Would be Nice, But Man...These Gamers bich More Than The Numbers Of Short Clips Seth MacFarlane Uses in Family Guy.
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Eric Hayes
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:49 pm

Black Hawk, shut up before you get banned. You are making this place look like the craphole it isn't. Atleast switch it over to the PM system so the community doesn't need to see it. Stop ruining a respectable thread. Z3R05150, cut it out also. This is rediculous.

Anyway, I think Balzak makes some really wonderful points about LiveCreate on the last page that personally, I would be extremely interested in getting an answer for. Maybe if you guys show enough interest Tom will forward that question over? We shall see. :)

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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:01 pm

Lol, Sure Bring it On Holmes xD

You are So Sad Trying to Fight Me Over The Internet @Blackhawkwaydown
Its life, get used to it your xbox 360 **** will probably hold in a week after this.
Lmao. Life? Its Internet Dumbass xD
I'm 3000% Not Taking You Seriously Right now, You Can Try to Fight me all you Want, But in the Next Few Hours, I will be Playing The Beta, So Curse at me All you Want :D
You can have your box. im outta here.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:57 pm

My Apologies Talon :)
I will now Post in a Respectable And Mature Manner Where Crytek Will Not be Disappointed in Letting me making an Account here, My Apologies to Everyone :)
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Chad Holloway
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:20 pm

Anyway, I think Balzak makes some really wonderful points about LiveCreate on the last page that personally, I would be extremely interested in getting an answer for. Maybe if you guys show enough interest Tom will forward that question over? We shall see. :)

Yeah, actually I would love to get more info on how the system works. I was under the impression that the engine basically looked at the hardware and decided what graphics settings would offer the best visuals/performance, but now that I think about it, it doesn't make too much sense.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:35 pm

To all. I can understand your frustration even though I'm an avid 360 user. I thoroughly don't understand PC eliteism at all and frankly think it's child like at it's highest, but I do understand your frustration at no coverage for the Crysis 2 PC community at all. I would still think that the PC version is going to be superior in a number of ways including an editor plus a higher player count. I would think that for the most part that would make you happy in spite of the lack of vehicles and maps.

What does confuse me is most exclusives for demos are on PSN now and understandably due to developer trying to increase PS3 sales vs. 360 sales which are the highest... and with saying that I'm really surprised that PSN is not going to (or either not announced) have a demo before the release.

I understand the need for having screen shots and video for PC, but I think with the fanbase that Crysis 2 created from the PC, I don't see how they would really need to give you a demo as I think you understand what you will be receiving albeit the non communication you haven't been receiving.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:25 pm

To all. I can understand your frustration even though I'm an avid 360 user. I thoroughly don't understand PC eliteism at all and frankly think it's child like at it's highest, but I do understand your frustration at no coverage for the Crysis 2 PC community at all. I would still think that the PC version is going to be superior in a number of ways including an editor plus a higher player count. I would think that for the most part that would make you happy in spite of the lack of vehicles and maps.

What does confuse me is most exclusives for demos are on PSN now and understandably due to developer trying to increase PS3 sales vs. 360 sales which are the highest... and with saying that I'm really surprised that PSN is not going to (or either not announced) have a demo before the release.

I understand the need for having screen shots and video for PC, but I think with the fanbase that Crysis 2 created from the PC, I don't see how they would really need to give you a demo as I think you understand what you will be receiving albeit the non communication you haven't been receiving.

Thank you for the insight.

I think that a demo is necessary for the PC because we do not know if we can run it well yet, and a demo gives us enough time to upgrade if a problem is present. Also, I think that Crysis 2 has changed so much in terms of gameplay and design that we really do not know much about the sequel on PC. There could be many people that loved Crysis which will hate Crysis 2, and vise versa. I think that a demo would be beneficial for the PC also, but I agree that the PS3 is dying without one right now. :|
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:34 pm

To all. I can understand your frustration even though I'm an avid 360 user. I thoroughly don't understand PC eliteism at all and frankly think it's child like at it's highest, but I do understand your frustration at no coverage for the Crysis 2 PC community at all. I would still think that the PC version is going to be superior in a number of ways including an editor plus a higher player count. I would think that for the most part that would make you happy in spite of the lack of vehicles and maps.

What does confuse me is most exclusives for demos are on PSN now and understandably due to developer trying to increase PS3 sales vs. 360 sales which are the highest... and with saying that I'm really surprised that PSN is not going to (or either not announced) have a demo before the release.

I understand the need for having screen shots and video for PC, but I think with the fanbase that Crysis 2 created from the PC, I don't see how they would really need to give you a demo as I think you understand what you will be receiving albeit the non communication you haven't been receiving.

Thank you for the insight.

I think that a demo is necessary for the PC because we do not know if we can run it well yet, and a demo gives us enough time to upgrade if a problem is present. Also, I think that Crysis 2 has changed so much in terms of gameplay and design that we really do not know much about the sequel on PC. There could be many people that loved Crysis which will hate Crysis 2, and vise versa. I think that a demo would be beneficial for the PC also, but I agree that the PS3 is dying without one right now. :|
I also agree with this insight,
It would fill many gaps in the Pc and Ps3 support for Crysis 2 and equally keep this community at ease. Recent activities have involved more flamers than ever, be careful everyone. Plus Good luck with your Crysis 2 thread developments. :)
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:26 pm

Anyway, I think Balzak makes some really wonderful points about LiveCreate on the last page that personally, I would be extremely interested in getting an answer for. Maybe if you guys show enough interest Tom will forward that question over? We shall see. :)

Yeah, actually I would love to get more info on how the system works. I was under the impression that the engine basically looked at the hardware and decided what graphics settings would offer the best visuals/performance, but now that I think about it, it doesn't make too much sense.

I thought the whole live create thing simply meant that they're building the world once, simultaneously on all 3 platforms, and if it didn't run on one platform it wouldn't be in the game. With the only the visuals being scaled. So just same exact maps and number of enemies but with dx10/11 effects for PC, and other such visual tweaks.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:45 pm

Gosh everyone is so tense
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 4:53 pm

Anyway, I think Balzak makes some really wonderful points about LiveCreate on the last page that personally, I would be extremely interested in getting an answer for. Maybe if you guys show enough interest Tom will forward that question over? We shall see. :)

Yeah, actually I would love to get more info on how the system works. I was under the impression that the engine basically looked at the hardware and decided what graphics settings would offer the best visuals/performance, but now that I think about it, it doesn't make too much sense.

I thought the whole live create thing simply meant that they're building the world once, simultaneously on all 3 platforms, and if it didn't run on one platform it wouldn't be in the game. With the only the visuals being scaled. So just same exact maps and number of enemies but with dx10/11 effects for PC, and other such visual tweaks.
Then, this would apply with the Pc version of crysis 2 if ever that was completely true.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:36 pm

I don't see how Crysis 2 could be optimized to the fullest then, since some code may need to be changed level to level and whatnot...

Bah, I digress. If any demo players that enjoyed Crysis 1 would like to comment on what they think, that would be cool.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:36 pm

A little un-usual transcendence from the original demo. It ran a lot better than the final version of Crysis. Maybe, that would apply to the "next" demo if ever possible.
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Dean Brown
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:18 pm

Would you like Crytek to pull a demo out their ass with a magical fairy wand?

In the business world, things take time. Especially since Crytek and EA will need to cross communicate about this. Have some damned patience, you can't expect things to be fixed in a day or two... This will most likely take a week to a month before we see actual results (if any).

why magical
i went to gamescom in koeln this year and tada the pc demo of crysis 2 was running
i played it 20 times :P
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:05 pm

I loved Crysis and Warhead,
dont know about Crysis 2, Multiplayer doesnt look good and not that much freedom.

Did you guys read some threads at the demo forum?
Looks like the game has some freezing issues and stuff like that on the xbox.

Well,Im going to buy the game on release date for Pc and if it svcks well this was the last game from Crytek. Please dont screw this up :(
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:01 pm

Hey guys, I just wanted to take some time to properly address the concerns in this thread, a lot of discussion has been generated around our recent announcement of a Crysis 2 demo taking place on Xbox 360, and it’s apparent to us that this requires some clarification.

Currently we are hard at work ensuring Crysis 2 will live up to both your expectations and the high quality standard that we hold ourselves to. Because of this, we were only able to work on one early demo and as this is our first time entering into the console arena, we are eager to prove what we are capable of, and just how good Crysis 2 will be as a console shooter, as well as a PC shooter.

We are fully dedicated to delivering the amazing gameplay experience that the PS3 community expects and that our PC community knows we can deliver. We will be sharing more updates for these communities in the near future.

Thank you for your continued support for the launch of Crysis 2 in late March. We look forward to giving you lots more exciting news in the 2 months remaining before launch and we look forward to hearing feedback on this small preview of what is to come
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Janine Rose
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:30 pm

I have played the crysis 2 demo on 360 n WOW what a pile of ****, not a patch on the first 1. Why **** something up that isnt broken, am just hoping single player is better or il go back to playing the first 1 on PC were for me it should have stayed

Crytek you sure no how to **** up a great game
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:55 pm

Hey guys, I just wanted to take some time to properly address the concerns in this thread, a lot of discussion has been generated around our recent announcement of a Crysis 2 demo taking place on Xbox 360, and it’s apparent to us that this requires some clarification.

Currently we are hard at work ensuring Crysis 2 will live up to both your expectations and the high quality standard that we hold ourselves to. Because of this, we were only able to work on one early demo and as this is our first time entering into the console arena, we are eager to prove what we are capable of, and just how good Crysis 2 will be as a console shooter, as well as a PC shooter.

We are fully dedicated to delivering the amazing gameplay experience that the PS3 community expects and that our PC community knows we can deliver. We will be sharing more updates for these communities in the near future.

Thank you for your continued support for the launch of Crysis 2 in late March. We look forward to giving you lots more exciting news in the 2 months remaining before launch and we look forward to hearing feedback on this small preview of what is to come

Thank you! Finally, some REAL feedback. I hope you follow through. I apologize for my earlier post, I was tired of being ignored for 3 months or so.

But, it looks like you have not only alienated your PC community, but you've also failed to impress the Xbox community. Now you have nothing. Well, I hope for your sake that info comes soon, wouldn't want to lose what's left now would we?
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:21 am

Hey guys, I just wanted to take some time to properly address the concerns in this thread, a lot of discussion has been generated around our recent announcement of a Crysis 2 demo taking place on Xbox 360, and it’s apparent to us that this requires some clarification.

Currently we are hard at work ensuring Crysis 2 will live up to both your expectations and the high quality standard that we hold ourselves to. Because of this, we were only able to work on one early demo and as this is our first time entering into the console arena, we are eager to prove what we are capable of, and just how good Crysis 2 will be as a console shooter, as well as a PC shooter.

We are fully dedicated to delivering the amazing gameplay experience that the PS3 community expects and that our PC community knows we can deliver. We will be sharing more updates for these communities in the near future.

Thank you for your continued support for the launch of Crysis 2 in late March. We look forward to giving you lots more exciting news in the 2 months remaining before launch and we look forward to hearing feedback on this small preview of what is to come

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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:50 pm

Pardon Cry Tom

But which is the problem for show a screenshot (1, one) from PC MPgameplay footage?
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