Knock Knock, Crytek. Our Community and the Demo Dilemma

Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:07 pm

For sure it is funny to see news by NVidia that they released news today that Crysis 2 will be having DX11 for the pc.

"Crysis 2 DirectX 11 support confirmed by NVIDIA"
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Miragel Ginza
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:16 am

Eh. Short messages of reassurance wont cut it anymore. Sorry but I am really disappointed.
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Katie Louise Ingram
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:00 pm

DX11, thats great news :). The Xbox demo is abit here and there in my opinion, needs more polish, especially with contols and connection. Seems linke the demo has brought in a few new members aswell, funny how most of them are quite 'in your face' lol. Hope new info comes soon.
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Jesus Lopez
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:43 pm

There you got what they want to give. And they give no respect for us, the PC gamers that made Crytek what is now.

Peace out. I'm done.

And by the way, keep deleting posts.
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Manuela Ribeiro Pereira
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:48 pm

For sure it is funny to see news by NVidia that they released news today that Crysis 2 will be having DX11 for the pc.

"Crysis 2 DirectX 11 support confirmed by NVIDIA"

Its about damn time. Does it state what features will be used, like Tesselation?

Disappointed that Crytek can't come out and announce these things themselves. We are always left to wait and dig deep for even the smallest information.
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Laura-Jayne Lee
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:41 pm

Well, so much for the "you will know about it first here on gamesas forum"...
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Mason Nevitt
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:43 pm

Well, so much for the "you will know about it first here on gamesas forum"...

Doesn't really state that it's not coming out for PC (The demo). It's pretty much like most of the news out there, saying it's a 360 exlcusive demo.

There's no ruling out PC demo in that article.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:19 pm


so that was very revealing, lol. and took some time to get through.

All I can say is once again, I have Nano and also L/E on pr-order, i will not back out from this as I have confidence in Crytek as previouse material has always been top drawer,

My real issue is that despite all the posts of this kinda ilk, Crytek dont appear to have been too posative in responding, I seem to remember hearing, ( hear it first here ) on All thing Crysis, yet as Talon said, many of us have had to dig around for info from other sources

would have been much better i think, for one of the Crytek Guys to just give out some plain facts, even if we wouldnt like em, lmao :-)

Regarding piracy, so its a PC let down, but compare this and evaluate.

5 mates all got the eggbox, each one buys a different game, and they all make there way around single player, then pass each game around, so that each player gets a go of each game for the price of only one game.

then they discuss between em whats going to be the best online and 4 more get that game, possibly now pre-owned and sell the other useless games on to the pre owned market, how many new sales were lost,

you have to wonder, and it does happen,
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Cody Banks
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:13 pm

If they come and say that they have an agreement with Micro$oft to promote the game on it's platform, then everyone will be ok and only ask for an early demo for PC/PS3 after the xcrap demo time is expired (first week of febraury). But no, they say nothing and presented all as an exclusive thing for the worst console and then you read here a ridiculous explanation that don't explain anything making it worst.

If they say that is an exclusive demo but stay tuned for news on the other platforms, it's also ok. But no, that said nothing and then you read here a ridiculous explanation that don't explain anything making it worst.

After all the rage here they give a ridiculous explanation that don't explain anything making it worst.

And so far we only see xcrap videos and xcrap screenshots for an excessive amount of time.
Since they told this game will be released for xcrap I knew this will happen, and that's why I didn't pre-ordered. And don't be surprised if at release date they delay the PC version, is just to push the xcrap sales up. If that happens, what you do?

All that about piracy is a lie. Console games are more pirated than PC games. And if you are a PC gamer that like multiplayers like me you'll buy the game just to play the multiplayer. But yeah, you have to read here a ridiculous explanation that don't explain anything making it worst.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:29 pm

All I can say is, if this game flops because of the decisions they made, well so be it. They deserve it. Next time stick to PC and PCgamers will stick with you. FIRST PERSON SHOOTERS ARE NOT MEANT TO BE PLAYED WITH A CONTROLLER!! The sooner Crytek and other Companies realise this the better the FPS genre will be.
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Trista Jim
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:30 pm

Yep, keyboard and mouse, the ultimate super controller.
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GEo LIme
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:59 pm

Got to 14minutes here and enjoy: #NOTE: Language 18+ :
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:22 pm

Got to 14minutes here and enjoy: #NOTE: Language 18+ :

That changed my opinion a bit. The different visions ingame and changing Fire rate ingame are nice touches. The game has what I liked about call of duty while not having what I hated.
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helen buchan
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:41 pm

Got to 14minutes here and enjoy: #NOTE: Language 18+ :

I have been watching that feed for hours both today and yesterday, and while the gameplay seems good, it is so bugged and horrible netcode that I am very worried about why other platforms are not getting a demo.

All I can say right now Crytek, is that if you release a demo for the PC, I will be running a stream as much as possible. ;) Other than that, your decisions really disappoint me. Some more explanation on what the heck is going on with Crytek & the demos would be nice, since the last official word on this was more of a cliffhanger than a dang resolution to the issue. I understand you guys are super busy with the current demo, so I can expect no response on this for a couple days, but I expect a manager response by February 4th about getting a clearer answer that doesn't skirt the real question at hand.
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Sharra Llenos
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:00 am

I agree 100% with the original poster 0% chance i buy this on release day with out a DX10 or 11 Demo to sample first otherwise i will rent it

Console port = no monies for Crytek

I think we pc community should hire Jay and Silent Bob to visit all the devs and MS Xbox executive Goons for ruining our Game...

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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:03 pm

@ CryAdam

Hey dude!

Seeing that no one in the EA camp on twitter seems to have the balls nor the decency to reply to our plight I thougt I'd ask here and see how far I get.

Please can you entertain us, the low life pc gamers as why this xbox exclusive nonsense is where it is? I mean judging from this forum and twitter pages we can clearly see that EA and Crytek have pissed off ALOT of PC gamers with their xbox only bubble. I think you guys owe an explanation to the legit PC fans of Crytek why we're being shafted? So I thought I'd give you a fair chance to explain this ludicrous action of XBOX exclisuve of all plaforms before I make up my mind about this debacle.

EARGERLY awaiting your reply...

Moerse pissed off PC Gamer.
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Stacey Mason
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:34 pm

Lets hope Adam can answer some "legit" questions.
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Ricky Meehan
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:17 am

@CryAdam Why are you quick to lock my thread but so slow on answering a few simple questions. IF you dont know the answers then find out and let us know please?

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Lucky Boy
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:14 pm

Some of you guys are just disgusting people.....crytek ows you nothing. a ''loyal pc gamer'' or whatever you must call yourselves would not act like that... crytek staff does not deserve to deal with things like this. you are pissed off little brats demanding conditions be met or else you will ''leave''. I'd say good riddance, the real crysis community is much better off without you
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:31 pm

Some of you guys are just disgusting people.....crytek ows you nothing. a ''loyal pc gamer'' or whatever you must call yourselves would not act like that... crytek staff does not deserve to deal with things like this. you are pissed off little brats demanding conditions be met or else you will ''leave''. I'd say good riddance, the real crysis community is much better off without you
The "real" community is here, your just making it into tarsh @OldGoat5 :P
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Gemma Flanagan
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:31 pm

Some of you guys are just disgusting people.....crytek ows you nothing. a ''loyal pc gamer'' or whatever you must call yourselves would not act like that... crytek staff does not deserve to deal with things like this. you are pissed off little brats demanding conditions be met or else you will ''leave''. I'd say good riddance, the real crysis community is much better off without you

It's got nothing to do with Crytek owing us anything, but their silence on this topic is rather disturbing would'nt you say? OR are you just one of those mindless chops who will buy anything without questioning what you're paying for?

Wheter you like it or not I am one of their potential customers, nothing more nothing less and if they want me to purchase their product then why is it such a mission to answer a few questions?
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Wane Peters
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:56 pm

Some of you guys are just disgusting people.....crytek ows you nothing. a ''loyal pc gamer'' or whatever you must call yourselves would not act like that... crytek staff does not deserve to deal with things like this. you are pissed off little brats demanding conditions be met or else you will ''leave''. I'd say good riddance, the real crysis community is much better off without you

It's got nothing to do with Crytek owing us anything, but their silence on this topic is rather disturbing would'nt you say? OR are you just one of those mindless chops who will buy anything without questioning what you're paying for?

Wheter you like it or not I am one of their potential customers, nothing more nothing less and if they want me to purchase their product then why is it such a mission to answer a few questions?
They should just lock this thread, to avoid this kind of violence. This thread has gone thru some flames lately. And "blank" corporate answers from Crytek.T.T
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Peter P Canning
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:13 pm

Some of you guys are just disgusting people.....crytek ows you nothing. a ''loyal pc gamer'' or whatever you must call yourselves would not act like that... crytek staff does not deserve to deal with things like this. you are pissed off little brats demanding conditions be met or else you will ''leave''. I'd say good riddance, the real crysis community is much better off without you

It's got nothing to do with Crytek owing us anything, but their silence on this topic is rather disturbing would'nt you say? OR are you just one of those mindless chops who will buy anything without questioning what you're paying for?

Wheter you like it or not I am one of their potential customers, nothing more nothing less and if they want me to purchase their product then why is it such a mission to answer a few questions?

i dont need to ask questions about a video game before it comes out when i can't even buy it. and the only question would be ''is it any good?'' to someone else.

their ''silence'' is theirs.....if you paid them for noise then you could sue them for giving ''silence''. I've seen more than crytek really needs to say. they dont need to say anything on second thought
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Roberto Gaeta
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:23 am

Some of you guys are just disgusting people.....crytek ows you nothing. a ''loyal pc gamer'' or whatever you must call yourselves would not act like that... crytek staff does not deserve to deal with things like this. you are pissed off little brats demanding conditions be met or else you will ''leave''. I'd say good riddance, the real crysis community is much better off without you

It's got nothing to do with Crytek owing us anything, but their silence on this topic is rather disturbing would'nt you say? OR are you just one of those mindless chops who will buy anything without questioning what you're paying for?

Wheter you like it or not I am one of their potential customers, nothing more nothing less and if they want me to purchase their product then why is it such a mission to answer a few questions?

i dont need to ask questions about a video game before it comes out when i can't even buy it. and the only question would be ''is it any good?'' to someone else.

their ''silence'' is theirs.....if you paid them for noise then you could sue them for giving ''silence''. I've seen more than crytek really needs to say. they dont need to say anything on second thought

i dont need to ask questions about a video game before it comes out

No offense here dude but thats probably one of the most ignorant statements I've ever read?

Like I said, potential customer(s) here... and also it's NOT up to you to disgard my question(s) towards CryAdam?
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:10 pm

@CryAdam Why are you quick to lock my thread but so slow on answering a few simple questions. IF you dont know the answers then find out and let us know please?
Spamming the forums won't get you an answer any quicker. Moderation of the forum is my main duty and currently it's taking up almost my entire day trying to keep this forum in order.

Tom has made a response in this thread here:

Any follow-ups to this will come as this information becomes available. We're trying to get you guys as much information as possible and trying to answer your questions as quickly as possible so please bear with us :)

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