Again with the intelligence insults. Honestly I am not seeing one thing you said that I have not mentioned before. You had one useful comment on the first page which I have already covered in my previous posts and then you follow with a mixture of intelligence insults and "your wrong" statements.
I only insulted you because you were the one who started with the insults. Why would you expect nothing after calling everyone brats and babies? Not only that, but you pretend like you're innocent and I'm the only one throwing the insults. Get over yourself. You did not cover my first post at all. Instead you just brushed it aside by calling it dumb.
P.S. You ARE being a brat. Your complaining over things just because you wont get a game that caters mostly to PC gamers and leaves console gamers in the dust. Have you ever stopped to think that they couldn't put 64-player multiplayer with vehicles and everything while keeping the graphics as good as they appear to be?
and speaking of dumb reasons, here you come in defending Crytek for shafting its fanbase. I never asked for 64-player multiplayer, genius. Have YOU ever stopped to think that even other console games pull off more players. Why should the PC version suffer for the console versions? It wouldn't be leaving you in the dust if they simply allowed a higher limit on the PC version and maybe thrown one or two bigger maps on there. If anything is being left in the dust, it's the PC and PS3 versions. You have some major double standards issues in that you think catering to the PC version (which is where the original fanbase is) is a problem and yet catering to the Xbox 360 version is perfectly fine.
Have you ever stopped to think that since Crytek is a business, they might want more money and therefore try to treat a gaming community better that they aren't sure will accept the game as well as PC?
They won't be getting more money by abandoning the fanbase that made every one of their previous games multi-million sellers. If they sell more on the Xbox 360, it's because they catered mostly to it and they've advertising Crysis 2 a lot more than they ever advertised their other games.
Have you ever stopped to think that they assume PC gamers will be behind them since they already proved themselves to us with Crysis 1? YOU ARE A BRAT. I honestly hope you don't buy the game sir. I honestly hope that I wont hear an annoying kid whine over the microphone as much as you do. Now I am done talking to you because you are so confident that this will fail even though you know nothing about the current status of the game. You have never played it once. So go ahead and reply. Insult my reading capabilities or my intelligence again because I am done with this thread.
Hahahaha! I love how you cry about me insulting you when: 1) you threw out the insults first and 2) you do this while calling me a brat for the fiftieth time. The focus is on Crysis 2, now. Just because they did a great job with the original, does not mean the sequel is already proven. I never said it would fail, I said that the game looks to be worse than the original. Also, seeing as you are probably getting the Xbox 360 version, you won't be hearing from me anyway. Enjoy your dumbed down game.