Knock Knock, Crytek. Our Community and the Demo Dilemma

Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:49 pm

Again with the intelligence insults. Honestly I am not seeing one thing you said that I have not mentioned before. You had one useful comment on the first page which I have already covered in my previous posts and then you follow with a mixture of intelligence insults and "your wrong" statements.

I only insulted you because you were the one who started with the insults. Why would you expect nothing after calling everyone brats and babies? Not only that, but you pretend like you're innocent and I'm the only one throwing the insults. Get over yourself. You did not cover my first post at all. Instead you just brushed it aside by calling it dumb.

P.S. You ARE being a brat. Your complaining over things just because you wont get a game that caters mostly to PC gamers and leaves console gamers in the dust. Have you ever stopped to think that they couldn't put 64-player multiplayer with vehicles and everything while keeping the graphics as good as they appear to be?

and speaking of dumb reasons, here you come in defending Crytek for shafting its fanbase. I never asked for 64-player multiplayer, genius. Have YOU ever stopped to think that even other console games pull off more players. Why should the PC version suffer for the console versions? It wouldn't be leaving you in the dust if they simply allowed a higher limit on the PC version and maybe thrown one or two bigger maps on there. If anything is being left in the dust, it's the PC and PS3 versions. You have some major double standards issues in that you think catering to the PC version (which is where the original fanbase is) is a problem and yet catering to the Xbox 360 version is perfectly fine.

Have you ever stopped to think that since Crytek is a business, they might want more money and therefore try to treat a gaming community better that they aren't sure will accept the game as well as PC?

They won't be getting more money by abandoning the fanbase that made every one of their previous games multi-million sellers. If they sell more on the Xbox 360, it's because they catered mostly to it and they've advertising Crysis 2 a lot more than they ever advertised their other games.

Have you ever stopped to think that they assume PC gamers will be behind them since they already proved themselves to us with Crysis 1? YOU ARE A BRAT. I honestly hope you don't buy the game sir. I honestly hope that I wont hear an annoying kid whine over the microphone as much as you do. Now I am done talking to you because you are so confident that this will fail even though you know nothing about the current status of the game. You have never played it once. So go ahead and reply. Insult my reading capabilities or my intelligence again because I am done with this thread.

Hahahaha! I love how you cry about me insulting you when: 1) you threw out the insults first and 2) you do this while calling me a brat for the fiftieth time. The focus is on Crysis 2, now. Just because they did a great job with the original, does not mean the sequel is already proven. I never said it would fail, I said that the game looks to be worse than the original. Also, seeing as you are probably getting the Xbox 360 version, you won't be hearing from me anyway. Enjoy your dumbed down game.
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Jaylene Brower
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:45 am

This With XBOX360 makes me MAD ! i mean , we saw an beta for xbox360 , now a demo for xbox360 , gameplays played on xbox360 console , now i saw enougth seriusly !

WHAT ABOUT THE OTHER PLATFORMS how the to buy the game if we dont know how is it

How to buy the game without system requieriments ! we cant do blind shop

I feel like the xbox360 steals the CRYSIS 2 !

Thumbs up if you Agree people !!!
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:59 pm

This With XBOX360 makes me MAD ! i mean , we saw an beta for xbox360 , now a demo for xbox360 , gameplays played on xbox360 console , now i saw enougth seriusly !

WHAT ABOUT THE OTHER PLATFORMS how the to buy the game if we dont know how is it

How to buy the game without system requieriments ! we cant do blind shop

I feel like the xbox360 steals the CRYSIS 2 !

Thumbs up if you Agree people !!!

THUMBS UP too, the PC and PS3 players need to start a revolution.
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Ella Loapaga
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:55 pm

Hello again.

Well we sure got some emotional responses to that announcement.

I have to say its kinda what i expected to hear, so many people have spent so much time threatening to boycott and so on if they dont get what they want, and this is in no way aimed at the more sensible postees,

but so much lack of reason hasnt helped im sure, there truly has been some pretty childish behaviour, though i dount it has actually affected the outcome too much

I have to say, this is along the lines of what i expected to see, while i woulda plyed a demo/beta, it would not have affected my final descision to buy the game, Both the Nano Ed and the Limited Ed, they are both still on pre-order, and will remain so

Regards Guss
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:16 pm

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Lily Something
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:25 pm

@hark & Shackdaddy836 - Please stop the argument there, it's not going anywhere other than leading into quote wars with more caps as we go.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:28 am

Hahaha, Guss I love you dude!

@hark & Shackdaddy836 - Please stop the argument there, it's not going anywhere other than leading into quote wars with more caps as we go.

Thanks for not closing it, hopefully it can become a civil conversation again. The burnout time for controversial announcements like these are usually 24 hours or so and then the initial anger starts to subside and more level headedness from the community... atleast I hope so. ^-^

Seriously though, can one of you get some real information for us on a PC/PS3 multiplayer demo? This is a serious marketing failure and I am not buying until I can play the game or get a positive go ahead in several PC reviews now. Just one too many broken bones now for me to have faith in this company right now, or atleast the UK studio. :|

I must say, the maps and gamemodes look pretty darn interesting, but we all need to be able to test and see if we like the dang game first. And of course, to make sure it runs properly on our PC's.
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Gill Mackin
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:07 am

Yes, please one shred of official information from crytek about the PC/PS3 version. Speculation got boring for me months ago and it's a bit insulting that crytek haven't even released a gameplay screenshot of the PC/PS3 versions. It's only 2 months till the game releases. What gives?
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sara OMAR
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 4:46 pm

Besides the info that the demo is xbox exclusive, did anyone else think the video looked epically awesome. IDK, I just thought the video made me want to play the game really really bad.

Also, the music was really good and fit well :)
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:29 pm

Besides the info that the demo is xbox exclusive, did anyone else think the video looked epically awesome. IDK, I just thought the video made me want to play the game really really bad.

Also, the music was really good :)

The video looked okay, but the graphics looked really nasty in my opinion. Maybe it is because I am so used to top end PC graphics by now, but everything looked plastic, and extremely low poly assets and character models... The level design itself looked well thought out though, Pier 17 looks especially interesting. :) The guns looked like they had reduced recoil since the alpha, which is bad, and maybe a new sound for the SCARAB? It sounded like it. Looks like a damage increase also, more in sync with CoD health now compared to the Alpha it seems. :(

Really need to be able to play it to see if I like it though. ;) *hint hint*
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:20 pm

Besides the info that the demo is xbox exclusive, did anyone else think the video looked epically awesome. IDK, I just thought the video made me want to play the game really really bad.

Yeah. The trailer was good. Graphics actually looked quite good considering it was on the 360 (it was on the 360, right?).

I especially liked the sound effects. All the guns seemed to have a nice weight and feel to them as well.
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stevie trent
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:43 am

Did you look at the youtube video or the one on this website? Cus I actually think the youtube video with full res looks way better. IDK why, it might be my computer.

Anyway, for a console game I thought it looked extremely good(my friends have consoles which I play every other day with them so I guess I can compare it more).

You cant really tell if its more damage or not imo cus they could have just weakened their armor to a point where a couple of shots killed them since they probably wanted to make it look actiony. IDK about recoil though. Maybe its just cus its console. PC usually gets a lot more recoil than console games.

I loved the look of the maps though. They looked just completely BA.
Ya, it was xbox. Which is pretty amazing. IDK if the 360 has a game that looks that good yet(but I dont have a 360 so I may be wrong)
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:00 pm

Did you look at the youtube video or the one on this website? Cus I actually think the youtube video with full res looks way better. IDK why, it might be my computer.

Anyway, for a console game I thought it looked extremely good(my friends have consoles which I play every other day with them so I guess I can compare it more).

You cant really tell if its more damage or not imo cus they could have just weakened their armor to a point where a couple of shots killed them since they probably wanted to make it look actiony. IDK about recoil though. Maybe its just cus its console. PC usually gets a lot more recoil than console games.

Yeah, I watched 720p youtube video. I think the hereos journey looked a smidge better. The Frankfurt team seems to be much better with the CryEngine 3 than these UK newbies. ^-^

hmm.. it seems Adam got some nice screenshots that explain what I mean:

It looks really low poly to me.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:57 pm

I still honestly think it looks better than any xbox game to date(to my knowledge).

The UK team is probably better with game mechanics and balance though since they are the same guys who made the timesplitter series.
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Captian Caveman
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:16 pm

Oh yeah, it definitely looks top notch for Xbox360 footage. :) And I meant that the Be The Weapon trailer has much better graphical quality than the multiplayer announcement one, I think it is because Frankfurt is the one that developed the engine so they know the in's and out's of it slightly better than the Nottingham team.

On a side note, a moderator seems to have messed up merging threads correctly and I am no longer the OP. ^-^

Assist in the struggle for a multiplayer demo on all platforms!
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 4:22 pm

I am still planning on a release date purchase. Obviously.
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Emma Pennington
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:18 am

People may not like what I have to say but it's an honest case. This fiasco with Crysis 2 is what pushes people to pirate. Not to get the game for free and never purchase it, but to make an informed decision on whether or not to buy it. Because in all honesty piracy seems to be the only way anyone is gonna get a demo. Which from a business perspective is pretty bad. Hell from a moral perspective it's bad as well. Why would a company not release a demo? Consumers have to make an informed decision and without a demo or beta we have no way of doing that besides waiting for it to leak. It's incredibly sad but it's the truth. Now people will probably reply back to me saying I pirated Crysis and Crysis warhead. But I would be glad to prove them wrong. I can easily take photos of both my copies that are sitting on my shelf at this very moment. I knew what to expect from Crysis and Crysis warhead because of beta's and demo's. I have no idea what to expect for Crysis 2 besides the high possibility of it being a port.

Easy solution? Give us a demo. It's not that hard to compile a small build like you are doing for the 360 demo. I don't care how much money Microsoft are paying you, because in all honesty you are losing money in the long run by taking that bribe.

Crytek you decide, potential buyers or potential pirates. If I was in your shoes I know damn well which way I'd go.
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Becky Cox
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:49 am

People may not like what I have to say but it's an honest case. This fiasco with Crysis 2 is what pushes people to pirate. Not to get the game for free and never purchase it, but to make an informed decision on whether or not to buy it. Because in all honesty piracy seems to be the only way anyone is gonna get a demo. Which from a business perspective is pretty bad. Hell from a moral perspective it's bad as well. Why would a company not release a demo? Consumers have to make an informed decision and without a demo or beta we have no way of doing that besides waiting for it to leak. It's incredibly sad but it's the truth. Now people will probably reply back to me saying I pirated Crysis and Crysis warhead. But I would be glad to prove them wrong. I can easily take photos of both my copies that are sitting on my shelf at this very moment. I knew what to expect from Crysis and Crysis warhead because of beta's and demo's. I have no idea what to expect for Crysis 2 besides the high possibility of it being a port.

Easy solution? Give us a demo. It's not that hard to compile a small build like you are doing for the 360 demo. I don't care how much money Microsoft are paying you, because in all honesty you are losing money in the long run by taking that bribe.

Crytek you decide, potential buyers or potential pirates. If I was in your shoes I know damn well which way I'd go.

"Pirating just to try" is a horrible excuse that pirates made up. Everyone knows that if someone pirates a game then they aren't going to go buy it. If a person pirates, they pirate and I hope that they get caught and fined for it. There is absolutely no excuse.

They are the reason why exclusives don't happen for PC.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:16 pm

Oh yes, what you say about pirating makes so much sense. It is the shinanigans like this that companies pull that promote potential customers to pirate these games before they go out and purchase them. The majority of pirating is done when a demo is not released...and that is why I will still not believe Cevat to this day when he claims that Crytek lost money due to pirating. Not nearly as many people pirate when the company is nice enough to allow them to try a free test of the game. The money made from a quality demo is well worth the expense in production costs and actually helps to reduce pirating. Most PC gamers these days are horrified by the idea of a crappy quality console port, so providing a quality demo can prevent certain people from pirating the game as their own form of an extended demo to see how much of a port it is. You have nothing to be afraid of Crytek, show your prowess by letting us see how this game plays out on all the platforms. :)

Shakedaddy, pirating is actually mostly done because of lacking demo's. A pirated copy does not necessarily mean a loss in profit, although the companies would like to have you believe that. ;)

Assist in the struggle for a multiplayer demo on all platforms!

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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:46 am

People may not like what I have to say but it's an honest case. This fiasco with Crysis 2 is what pushes people to pirate. Not to get the game for free and never purchase it, but to make an informed decision on whether or not to buy it. Because in all honesty piracy seems to be the only way anyone is gonna get a demo. Which from a business perspective is pretty bad. Hell from a moral perspective it's bad as well. Why would a company not release a demo? Consumers have to make an informed decision and without a demo or beta we have no way of doing that besides waiting for it to leak. It's incredibly sad but it's the truth. Now people will probably reply back to me saying I pirated Crysis and Crysis warhead. But I would be glad to prove them wrong. I can easily take photos of both my copies that are sitting on my shelf at this very moment. I knew what to expect from Crysis and Crysis warhead because of beta's and demo's. I have no idea what to expect for Crysis 2 besides the high possibility of it being a port.

Easy solution? Give us a demo. It's not that hard to compile a small build like you are doing for the 360 demo. I don't care how much money Microsoft are paying you, because in all honesty you are losing money in the long run by taking that bribe.

Crytek you decide, potential buyers or potential pirates. If I was in your shoes I know damn well which way I'd go.

"Pirating just to try" is a horrible excuse that pirates made up. Everyone knows that if someone pirates a game then they aren't going to go buy it. If a person pirates, they pirate and I hope that they get caught and fined for it. There is absolutely no excuse.

Then you obviously don't know what you are talking about then. That's true for SP only. Not true for MP+SP for a lot of people. Yes there will always be @$$holes who won't buy a game if they can get it for free. But there are a lot of others who will try before they buy.

But I'm not trying to drag this into a piracy debate. I was merely stating what I guarantee will happen. I know personally I'm not buying this without a demo. I have way to many other games on my list that show a lot more promise, to waste $50-$70 on a game that has so far only shown it's gonna be a console port.

You may not agree with it. But the world has a lot more colors then just black or white. So yo have to look at that grey area.

EDIT: Sorry that first paragraph seems extremely condescending(I hope I'm using the correct word lol?) I didn't mean it in that way.
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lisa nuttall
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:20 am

Im having second thoughts about buying this game, the whole xbox exclusive just aint worth my money. I thought this was the one true game that respects the PC community. and to think I was so excited about this.
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Rhiannon Jones
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:44 pm

anyone remember SPORE? the game only let you install on 3 machines total. most pirated game right there, go look it up
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El Khatiri
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:00 am

well if this turns out to be a console port with performance issues and looks bad visually compared to the first one then I'm not gonna blame those people for pirating such a game. There are plenty of great games coming this year that deserve to be bought.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:13 am

Only fools claim piracy is "killing PC gaming." Piracy also happens on consoles and really, when you think about it, happens on the same level. There are far more PCs in homes than consoles. That explains the higher numbers. Now combine the total piracy numbers of consoles and you'll get a closer number to the PC.

The fact of the matter is that developers need to develop for multiple platform to make more money. They're not abandoning the PC. If they use the piracy excuse, it's really just so that they can shift the blame when their game bombs. It's also a method of hiding lazy development. Developers will remove features that PC gamers have enjoyed for decades and claim that PC is not worth the extra effort because of piracy, then they point to lower sales even though those lower sales were because they shafted PC gamers. It's a vicious cycle.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:06 am

NO It did not push me over the edge!!

Why would you first FIGHT for a demo and then complain!!! We can check out the GAMEPLAY.
I don`t have a xbox360 myself and i am happy whit the demo and the INFORMATION that will come ff.

Crytek proved themselfs on the PC not? Or did they smoke some nasty stuff and forget everything they know??
I`m glad to be

And last, piracy svcks!!
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