If you have been searching for PC or PS3 footage at all, think again. Have you been looking for those DX10 to DX11 comparison screenshots? Sorry, think again. Over the past 18 months of Crysis 2 and its developmental process, the PC and PS3 platforms have not seen a single frame of video or a single pixel of a screenshot. The Crysis 2 marketing has been solely fixed on the Xbox360, which has been eroding trust away at the community's faith in Crytek bringing a successful multiplatform game into the market this March, 2011.
Crytek has failed to fulfill their promises of a beta for those of us that signed up when this website launched. Instead, they released a sly "tech test", exclusive to the Xbox360. While we understand the need for a beta on the consoles, many potential customers are being turned away by the neglection of the PC / PS3 markets.
The recent exclusive Xbox360 multiplayer demo has resulted in a huge uproar, and not without good reason. Throughout the entire developmental process of Crysis 2, the PC and PS3 fanbase have yet to see or play it in any way. Throughout all this, all the community has seen is Xbox360 videos, Xbox360 screenshots, Xbox360 betas, and Xbox360 demos. Crysis 2 is supposedly a multiplatform game but the marketing would suggest to you that it is not. The Demo has set off a wave of frustration and disappointment that has been building up over the last 18 months and is well deserved.
In fact, recent polls suggest that the PC/PS3 fanbase consists of up to 75% of all potential customers. It is time that these voices be heard. The PC players are who have brought Crytek up to this point, and yet have been completely ignored. The PS3 fanbase has been left in the dark while the Xbox360 is basking in a warm glowing sun.
Some of the questions the community wants answers to:
Will we see every platform get a demo eventually?
Will the PC get DX11, dedicated servers, and modification support?
Will we ever get some PC/PS3 footage and screenshots?
The time has come for this game to finally be marketed like the multiplatform game it is. Most of the fanbase has lost faith in Crytek's ability to deliver the goods with Crysis 2. I myself, have canceled my pre-order due to a lack of information and beta/demo for the PC and PS3 versions of this game.
So go ahead, announce your concerns about Crysis 2 marketing on your platform here, and Crytek will do their best to get an answer to you. It is time that Crytek and EA woke up to their destructive and nonexistant marketing tactics for Crysis 2.
Knock Knock, Crytek.