» Wed Sep 01, 2010 12:37 pm
this was scripted into Fallout 3, so you might get lucky.
I guess you could recycle the scripts on the doors in Arefu and modify them so it checks to see if the house owner is home, and if they are, it ports them to the inside of the house (as inside of the building's skeleton, not left in the _interior cell) and they force conversation with you using only a special dialog filter that is only used in this situation. The filtered dialog would be modified to sound like you're speaking through the door.
You can also add in a voice emitter that will simply spout a random comment along the lines of "come in!"
Lastly, it should be either triggered through a menu option (similar to how you would be able to select talk/pickpocket the person or feed on them, as a vampire) or by setting it up as a prerequsite of the legal action (as in out of sneak) you knock, then you can be invited in, then you can open the door as usual. Being in sneak mode would override this. (similar to talk/pickpocket).
You know, if they don't put it in.