Last night, I ran into this guy ID " shiershao" judging by his ID he's probably from singapore.
I fought against him in MGI? official? server and there were some russian players also.
I failed to frap record his killcam but he was obviously using "Torso aiming aimbot"
Cos whenever I saw his killcam his crosshair pointed exactly same spot, torso of opponents and after killing one his crosshair snaped to next opponent's torso.
Even though he was using aimbot (torso) his K/D ratio wasn't good enough, almost 1:1 or a bit higher.
I feel really sorry for not uploading his obnoxious torso aimbot with this thread, if I get chance again I wouldn't fail to record his wrong-doings.
So I list features of aimbots so players could spot cheaters easily.
- Auto Aim ( OnPress / Full )
- Auto Fire
- Bone Aim ( Body / Head / Leg / Any )
- Smooth Aim (Humanized)
- Aim Angle
- Fire Delay
- Trigger Bot ( OnPress / Full )
- No Recoil
- No Spread
Render :
- Player Radar ( 3D / 2D )
- Bounding Boxes ( 2D )
- Warning System
- CrossHair ( All Weapons )
- Visibility Checks ( Bounding Boxes / Colors )
Esp : (shows enemy players' name tags just like HUD shows teammates )
- Name ESP
- Distance ESP
- Weapon ESP
- Health ESP
- Player Icons (5)
Cry adam, here is commercial cheating program which provides the source of violation of EULA.
Maybe crytek should do better job at finding them and banning CD keys or their machines (if their cheating is severely hindering other legitimate players), if it's not possible or ineligible to completely shut down these obnoxious sites.
Cheaters overall undermines game community shortening lifespan of game itself.
Think about it who would want to play with cheaters?
Think again when letting serious cheaters ruining games, I know many ppl who simply gave up trying out crysis 2 as they know the cheating goes unpunished and think it would be useless to try it as there are lots of cheating going on.
Being soft on cheaters only undermines game's reputation and shorten its lifespan.