It dawned on me while watching the dragon fight. I always play in first person so it's not something that has bothered me since Morrowind(which I played exclusively in 3rd person) because in first person the animations play in whatever direction your looking. For those that do play in 3rd person do the animations look some what off when fighting an enemy that is above or below you?
My epiphany is that the magnetism is necessary for Havok Behavior to play and blend the appropriate animations for upward or downward attacks! Downward strikes are pretty easy to fake because your going in that direction anyway with an overhead swing but not so with an enemy above you. It just doesn't look right or make much sense to be attacking an overhead target by drawing your weapon behind your back. if you watch the trailer when the PC is attacking the dragon over head he is drawing his weapon not from behind him but from the ground up.
Just blew your mind didn't I?
Maybe this of my next pack for my will make your head stop hurting.