We can surmise from this quote, “We are working at pop-up issues, and we want to make sure that the graphics of the PC, Xbox 360, and PS3 are alike. All three will look just as good, aside from the higher resolution and the anti-aliasing of the PC of course." That DX11 effects will not be included in the game and most likely the game engine will not support DX11 effects, so we would not be able to mod them in only better textures, LOD, ect. Luckily this tells people not to do to many upgrades on there machine as this game will not be pushing any technical boundaries. It also points out it's pretty much a console port with m/kb, and a mod set so like oblivion we'll have to make it a pc game which i dont mind.
/inb4 gameplays more important than gfx...GFX, physics, effects add's to gameplay/immersion.
for those who tldr
1: no DX 11
2: basically just like oblivion aka total console port.
3: yeah for AA and higher resolutions...lawl.