» Sat May 07, 2011 10:40 pm
Plus to be honest if you're gonna create a list I suggest you start over, with everyone supplying a link to a youtube video of the said hacker. Otherwise this won't work. It's enough enough to film a hacker, hell you could even just download the FRAPS demo, 30 seconds of footage of the hackker is all it takes. 5 minute to upload to youtube, then something can be done about it.
I suppose so.. but its prob more realistic to get photo evidence. I mean I assume.. hopefully this list will get larger. Imagine the logistical nightmare of everyone recording, encoding and uploading on youtube..
An A-Z list easier..
But.. yea, if you do have a video Link it up.
I suppose if people didnt mind.. it's prob more sensible to start a youtube channel called. Hackers fk off. lol